Training seminars and site visits Kick-off meeting on Joint Action on the pilot EHES, Luxembourg, 21 January 2010
Aims of training Key element in standardization and quality assurance
Training organized by the EHES RC Training sessions and the use of e- learning methods and materials targeted to the national survey organizers and trainers of the national survey teams. Two training seminars 1 st Planning and preparation 2nd Fieldwork Final conference
1st Training seminar: planning and preparation of the national HES Rome, Italy February 2010 Target group: those who plan and prepare national surveys in EU Member States and EFTA/EEA countries. Objectives to: Ensure planning a national HES according to the EHES standards raise awareness on EHES in all European countries receive feedback on the EHES standards and the EHES Manual discuss possible national adaptations. After the seminar the national manuals and study plans will be reviewed by the personnel of the EHES RC and other trainers to evaluate how the EHES standards have been taken into account.
2nd Training seminar: fieldwork Helsinki, Finland, September 2010 Target group: those who will train the national fieldwork team members in each country. Objectives: to promote the use of the standard EHES training materials to ensure that the training for the fieldworkers will be organized following the EHES standards. The focus will be on the core measurements but also additional measurements, to which the piloting countries have expressed their interest, will be covered. National manuals and training programmes will be reviewed by the personnel of the EHES RC and other trainers after the seminar.
Site visits organized by the EHES RC One site visit/country during pilot fieldwork, additional visits if needed Observation of examinations (with participant consent) Discussions with the survey organizers and fieldwork staff External quality control
Aims of site visits Evaluation of feasibility of the EHES standards in different circumstances adherence to the national manuals and EHES standards Site visit diaries will be material for the evaluation of the JA