My Million Dollar Summer Vacation Florida, Hawaii, Colorado, and Alaska By Carley Holcomb January 23, 2013
Summary MASTER EXPENSE SHEET A Major Category - Itemized MAJOR CATEGORYCost Lodging$369,376 Transportation$411,750 Wardrobe$64,586 Activities$26,300 Food$44,450 Miscellaneous$82,650 Total$999,112
Lodging Item Quantit yUnit PriceTotal Price Broadmoor Colorado Springs14$8,750.00$122, Alaska Tuack All Inclusive5$3,990.00$19, Hawaii Ritz Carlton Royal Suite14$8,409.00$117, Florida Ritz Grand Lakes SUITE14$7,800.00$109, $369,376.00
Transportation ItemUnit PriceQuantity Total Price Rental Car Gas$ $2,250 Airport Shuttles$ $1,200 Charter Jet To Hawaii$121,9001 Rental Ferrari In Hawaii$1, $10,500 Rental Lamborginin in Hawaii$2, $17,500 Charter Jet to Florida$49,4001 Rental Car In Florida$1, $1,500 Charter Jet To Colorado$49,4001 Rental Ferrari In Colorado$1, $9,800 Rental Lamborginin in Colorado$1, $8,400 Charter Jet to Alaska$139, $139,900 Total $411,750
Wardrobe ITEMUnit PriceQuantityTotal price Girls Coat$ Girls swimwear$50.003$ Tank top$755$ T-shirt$ $ Girls jacket$ Nike kids shoes$ $ Nike kids shorts$ $ Kids shorts$35.995$ Girls Jacket$ Boys Coat$ Boys$ Boys Jacket$ $ Boys Short Sleeve Shirt$35.004$ Boys Long Sleeve Shirt$25.004$ Boys Long Sleeve Shirt$25.004$ Boys Pants$40.005$ Boys Tennis Shoes$55.992$ Woman Coat$ Pants (Womans)$45.002$90.00 Jacket (Womans)$ Womans Shoes$ $1, Womans Active Shirt$ $ Womans Turtleneck$ Womans Sweater$ $ Womans Short Sleeve$50.002$ Womans Jacket$1, Womans Jacket$2, Dress Cloths/Suits/Dresses$5, $25, Mens Coat$ Mens Vest$ Mens Jacket$ Mens Sweatshirt$50.003$ Mens Short Sleeve Shirt$ Mens Shoes$ $ Mens Shorts$45.008$ Mens Pants$85.004$ Mens Pants$ New Diving Wathces for Parents$12, $25, Total $64,586.29
Food Item Unit Price Quantit yDaysTotal Price Florida Breakfast$ $1, Lunch$ $1, Dinner$ $7, Snack Allowance$ $3, Colorado Breakfast$ $1, Lunch$ $1, Dinner$ $7, Snack Allowance$ $3, Hawaii Breakfast$ $1, Lunch$ $2, Dinner$ $7, Snack Allowance$ $3, Alaska Snack Allowance$ $3, Total $44,450.00
These are some of the things that I bought in the category “food”
Activities ItemUnit PriceQuantityTotal Price Florida Disney Magic Kingdom$ $4,450 Daytona Driving Experience$2, $10,995 Colorado Colorado Rock Climbing Cheyenne Mt. Zoo (Colorado)$405$200 Pikes Peak$405$200 US Olympic Complex00$0 Miramont Castle$105$50 Hawaii Maui hang gliding$2805$1,400 Round of Golf Maui x4$13520$2,700 nanny in maui$25014$3,500 molokini snorkeling tour$1255$625 maui ocean center$255$125 Atlantis Submarine$1705$850 Kula Botanical Garden551$55 Air MAUI Helecopter Tour$2305$1,150 Alaska (all inclusive)$0 Total $26,300
Miscellaneous Misc ItemUnit PriceQuantityTotal Price iphone 5$ $2, New Nikon DSLR & Lens$6, $19, kindle fire$ $1, Luggage Sets (Louis V)$5, $28, itunes gift cards$ $ souvenier$5,0005$25, Dog Sitter for Lucy$10049$4, Total $82,649.90