National manuals Kick-off meeting on Joint Action on the pilot EHES, Luxembourg, 21 January 2010
Support for preparing the national manuals European manuals introduced at the training seminars EHES RC consultation and review of the manuals Support from other partners of the EHES JA national HES
National actions needed in countries without recent national HES Set up the organization needed for planning and preparation of the national HES Review of the EHES manual: consider feasibility in your country Preparation of the national HES manual Select options most feasible in your country Translation process
National actions needed in countries with previous/ongoing HES Check if your survey organization needs additional experts Review the EHES manual: evaluate against your own national manual, consider if validation studies are needed Preparation of the new national manual for future surveys Adapt previous manuals where needed Translation process
Expertise needed Project group: select a wide range of expertise: policy, professionals, scientists, experts in survey methods and fieldwork Core group: project leader and coordinator, experts on fieldwork logistics and supervision, IT, communication and dissemination etc.
Collaboration Leadership and coordination needed to balance different national interests All feedback should be encouraged and discussed Consult EHES RC and other partners A carefully prepared manual is a key prerequisite to avoid problems during fieldwork and in quality assurance Time spent in preparing the manual is saved in other steps of the survey process