The Ancient Fertile Crescent Area The Middle East: “The Cradle of Civilization” Nicknamed “Fertile Crescent”
Sumerians – first people to live in Mesopotamia in civilizations
Sumerian Religion - Polytheistic Enki Innana Gods and Goddesses usually had human and animal qualities
Mesopotamian Trade “The Cuneiform World”
Cuneiform: The First Writing System “Wedge-Shaped” Writing Cuneiform: The First Writing System “Wedge-Shaped” Writing
Cuneiform Writing
Deciphering Cuneiform
Sumerian Scribes – the writers of society “Tablet House”
Sumerian Cylinder Seals
Gilgamesh Epic Tablet: Flood Story
Ziggurat at Ur Temple “Mountain of the Gods” Temple “Mountain of the Gods”
The Royal Standard of Ur
Mesopotamian Harp
Board Game From Ur
Sophisticated Metallurgy Skills at Ur
Sargon of Akkad: The World’s First Empire [Akkadians]
The Babylonian Empires
Hammurabi’s [r B. C. E.] Code
Hammurabi, the Judge
Babylonian Math
Babylonian Numbers