Measuring weight using electronic scale EHES Training Material
Exclusion criteria Weight is not measured if participant is immobile or in a wheelchair has severe difficulties standing steady is heavier than the upper limit of the scale refuses
Equipment electronic scale calibrated weights carpenters level
Clothing during weight measurement Ask the participant to undress to his/her underwear If the participant refuses or feels uncomfortable to undress, ask him/her to take off shoes, heavy garments such as jacket, pullover, belts, heavy jewellery, and to empty pockets
Posture Ask the participant to stand still in the centre of the platform arms hanging loosely at sides weight distributed evenly on both feet
Recording Record weight to the resolution of the scale Record extra clothing, if more than underwear If the participant is pregnant, ask and record pregnancy weeks and the weight before pregnancy separately from the measured weight If weight is not measured, record the reason Record the number of the measurement device used
Acknowledgements Slides Johanna Mäki-Opas, Hanna Tolonen, Päivikki Koponen Photographs Hanna Tolonen Measurement demonstration Ulla Leskinen, Shadia Rask