Contents and aim of this training seminar Hanna Tolonen
Aim To train the participants for planning a national HES according to the EHES standards To raise awareness on EHES in all European countries To receive feedback from the participants on the EHES standards and the EHES Manual, and to discuss possible national adaptations To start preparing the national manuals: the participants will finalise the national study plans, consent forms etc after this seminar and they will send these for review by the personnel of the EHES RC and other trainers
Agenda, Thursday 11 February 2010 What is EHES Process for preparing a national manual Planning and preparing a national HES Selecting measurements and questionnaires Laboratory analysis Selection of fieldwork site and staff Budget and fund raising Legal, ethical and data confidentiality issues
Agenda, Friday 12 February 2010 Sampling Data management Recruitment of participants and achieving a high participation rate Dissemination of the national HES National training programme Quality assurance EHES Extranet, sharing the manual, EHES web site