Budgeting and fund raising Hanna Tolonen
Purpose of the survey budget Gives an estimate of the amount of money needed Can be used in discussions with the collaborators/stakeholders Cost of additional modules Cost of increased sample size
Funds vs. survey contents Available funds Included: measurements questionnaire modules Sample size
Components of the survey budget 1.Planning and preparing 2.Coordination 3.Training of personnel 4.Dissemination (PR- activities) 5.Piloting 6.Sampling 7.Recruitment of participants 8.Field work 9.Laboratory analysis and sample storage 10.Data entry and cleaning 11.Quality assurance 12.Analysis and reporting
Personnel costs Salaries and per diems Insurances Equipment costs Other costs Travels Rents Etc. Cost categories
Cost of previous national HESs CountrySurveyYearTotal cost () Average cost () Per invited Per parti- cipant FinlandHealth ,945, FINRISK , GermanyBGS ,628, NetherlandsModule Endogenous Factors , NorwayHS ,593, UKScottish Health Survey 20033,673,
Sources of funding in previous national HESs Finland Ministry of Social Affairs and Health National Public Health Institute Social Insurance Institute Finnish Institute of Occupational Health Finnish Centre for Pensions Finnish Academy Number of Associations/Foundations
Sources of funding in previous national HESs Germany Ministry of Health Ministry of Research and Education Ministry of Agriculture and Nutrition Netherlands Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sports
Sources of funding in previous national HESs Norway Governmental funds UK Scottish Executive (for SHS) NHS Health and Social Care Information Centre (for HSfE)
Excel programme for budgeting