Optional Lonestar Problem Aaron’s neighbor gave him a coupon for a double dip ice cream cone. He has the 6 flavors shown below from which to choose? He does not want 2 dips of the same flavor, and if he gets strawberry, he does not want walnut. How many choices does he have for a double dip ice-cream cone? Flavors Vanilla~Chocolate~Fudge~Strawberry~Banana~Walnut Double Dip Special Free With coupon!
Find the EXACT answer *Remember to line up your decimals!
54 x 27 = 369 ÷ 3 =
Which unit of measurement would I use to measure my pencil? A inchesB feet C yardsD meters
What is the difference in the PERIMETER of the two squares? 14 feet 20 feet
Start Time: 3:20 pm End Time: 6:05pm Elapsed Time:?
How can we place fractions on a numberline? Comparing 3/8 and 2/4 Today we’ll be putting fractions in order from least to greatest. Sometimes it’s easy to tell whether one fraction is greater than another. Who remembers playing a hand in Capture Fractions when you knew right away which fraction was greater? How can I tell which is larger: 3/8 or 2/4? Work with your shoulder partner to determine the answer. Draw representations or compare to landmarks to support your idea. Can you compare either of these fractions to a landmark? What landmarks are they close to? How close are they? Could these two fractions be equal? Why or why not?
How can we place fractions on a number line? Introducing Fractions on a Number Line Over the next two days, we’re going to make a class number line with all of the fractions in our fraction card deck. Instead of just placing them between the right landmarks, we’re going to try to put them all in order. We’ll still use the landmarks we used in the last session to help us think about where the other fractions go. Who would like to place these two cards on the number line I’ve started here? Will 2/4 come before or after ½ on the line? Where does 3/8 go?
How can we place fractions on a number line? Math Workshop A. Making a Fraction Number Line 1.Students divide their deck of Fraction Cards in half and plan how they will put one half of the deck in order from least to greatest. They use 0, ½, 1, and 2 as landmarks which they can write on a strip of adding machine tape or use their landmark cards. You may suggest that students first sort their cards into 7 piles as used in session After students have sorted their half of the deck, they switch cards and repeat the activity with the second half of the deck. 3.Students also place several cards from the class deck on the class number line B. Capture Fractions
Review: Mentoring Minds p.23 Work with your group to solve the following questions. Send answers in on CPS clicker.
Mentoring Minds p.23 Work with your group to solve the following questions. Send answers in on CPS clicker.
Mentoring Minds p.11 Work independently to solve the following questions. Send answers in on CPS clicker.
Independent Practice M.M. p