10/25/06 PEP-II LLRF Status PEP-II MAC Review October 25, 2006 D. Van Winkle, John Fox, Themistoklis Mastorides, Claudio Rivetta, Dmitry Teytelman, Jiajing Xu
10/25/06 Outline RF Status –Abort Status –Key contributors to aborts –RF Tuning Klystron Linearizer Wrap-up Klystron Pre-Amp Investigations Plans and Conclusions
10/25/06 RF Status (Aborts and Tuning)
10/25/06 RF Status (Aborts) Understanding the root causes and patterns of RF station aborts is critical for operating efficiency –RF Aborts are tracked on a daily basis in a an attempt to find root cause. –Sorting out the true RF aborts from the reported RF aborts is an ongoing issue. –The goal of doing this RF abort tracking is to reduce the number of RF aborts. –The pool of knowledge for this RF abort tracking is very limited (1 person). –New staff is being identified/hired in the accelerator operations department to share this RF diagnosis skill as well as increase operations efficiency in identifying and resolving RF related issues.
10/25/06 RF Status (Aborts) StationFaults her566 ler479 HR21110 LR4484 LR4382 HR2581 HR2680 HR2280 HR8378 LR4277 HR8175 HR4152 HR8541 HR2332 LR4525 RF fault analysis over 483 days (04/23/ /18/2006), 1942 faults Average of 4.0 aborts per day (1.9 (RF events)) Last eventCountStationsDescription 03/03/ ler(4),her(421)IP Vacuum event with/without radiation 01/27/ ler(215),her(19)didt with transverse 09/05/200589multipleTransverse instability (TFB) 08/14/200681multipleUnknown 08/14/200666multipleCavity 1 arc (RE reported) 07/16/200651multipleKlystron arc/HVPS Arc 08/17/200648ler(29),her(19)Longitudinal instability 07/30/200643multiplePower dip (Region 8 or 4) 08/05/200641multipleSlow or stuck tuners 08/16/200640multipleSite Power Dip Top 10 events account for 1118 faults (58%) Color code:being debugged not actively pursued non-RF SubsystemFaults HER RF629 LER RF268 HER other566 LER other479 7 RF related aborts per day for Run RF related aborts per day for Run RF related aborts per day for Run 5
10/25/06 RF Status (Aborts) 230kV line Down BPMs Fall Off RF Flange Region 4 IR2 Work Q2 chamber and bellows IR2 Work Q4 chamber
10/25/06 RF Status (Aborts) Key Abort Contributors Cavity Arcs We are limited in what we can do to address cavity arcs. Our strategy to date has been to re-partition the gap voltage so that arcing cavities are running at lower gap voltages Stuck Tuners This has been an ongoing issue for many years. The tuner motor drivers have been self shutting down on hot days sometimes generating an abort. Claudio Rivetta dug in and has figured out exactly what the problem is (Voltage drop to driver logic) and has designed a fix to resolve this issue permanently. HVPS Dips We have been seeing HVPS dips in two regions of PEP. At this point it is unclear what is causing these dips. We have also seen an increase in site wide dips. The SLAC HVPS people are currently working to understand and resolve this issue. Transverse Feedback Issues (see Ron Akre’s talk) We saw an increase in aborts do to the transverse feedback system this run. Ron Akre should have some insight into what caused these. Longitudinal Issues At high currents we saw loss of control in the low modes. This was likely due to the HER being run very close to the RF power limit at the end of the run. The higher order modes are in control but there has been thermal issues with the LER kicker cable plant and absorptive filter connections. These issues should be resolved for the next run.
10/25/06 RF Status (Aborts) Longitudinal Issues –Low-modes (cavity fundamental) are fastest growing instabilities in HER and LER –HOM driven instabilities are 1/3 to 1/5 as fast - well controlled by broadband feedback –Continued measurement of growth rates as currents increase, estimation of adequate HOM damping margins in the future –In cavity modes -higher currents in the LER require LLRF system improvements per Claudio's talk. (LGDW max damping rate may be exceeded otherwise) –Thermal management Cavity-style kickers in LER work well - still have had connector and absorptive filter connector thermal problems. HER- installation of "old" LER drift tube kickers with better cooling in progress. Monitoring of load powers, amplifier powers, etc. is very important in operation of the systems.
10/25/06 RF Status (Tuning) RF Tuning The LER and HER RF stations are routinely “tuned” as currents are increased. A measure of how stable the RF system is running is how often the RF stations need to be tuned.
10/25/06 RF Status (Tuning) What is meant by RF tuning? –The LLRF system uses a time-domain excitation to inject noise and measure the closed-loop frequency response with the system in operation (and beam in the machine). –A Model-based technique is used to fit the closed loop data. The model is open-looped and adjusted for best gain and phase margin ( best RF station stability). The model based corrections are applied to the station and measured again to ensure convergence. The Klystron operating point is not constant with current (resulting in small- signal gain and phase response variations). We configure the loops to operate best at the maximum running current with the idea that that is where the impedance needs to be controlled the most. As the loops cannot be opened with beam in the machine, this technique allows adjustment as currents increase, and brings insight into the dynamics of the station operating point.
10/25/06 RF Status (Tuning) Example of poorly and well configured RF feedback loops. Poorly ConfiguredWell Configured
10/25/06 RF Status (Tuning) Why is Tuning important? –If stations are mistuned, low mode longitudinal growth rates can increase beyond our capability to control them with the low group delay woofer. –Stations may oscillate causing beam jitter or loss. – Gap voltage regulation could be degraded. Other loops need tuning as well –Tuner loops, Drive set point loops, Gap voltage loops, Tuner position control, etc. These loops have variations station to station because of Klystron and other implementation-specific details.
10/25/06 RF Status (Tuning) During Run 5 and especially in the last 3-4 months of running, the RF system required very little tuning. Also during run 5, the LLRF hardware was much more reliable (Much fewer module replacements than prior runs) It is essential that the diligence of maintaining a known good set of spare modules and the replacement procedures be maintained throughout the remaining running of PEP-II. This will be even more important as currents are pushed to new limits! It is also essential the tuning and monitoring of the LLRF system continue. If the LLRF system is neglected, we will likely see an increase of beam aborts attributable to the LLRF system. The accelerator operations department is the right place for these activities to be based.
10/25/06 Klystron Linearzier
10/25/06 Klystron Linearizer In the last MAC review I gave an in depth talk on a klystron linearizer we had been developing with the goal or reducing the low mode longitudinal growth rates. The last slide of that talk was “Next Steps”. MD2 with beam (higher klystron Saturation). –Modeling used to specify LER operating point to show saturated effects (similar to HER). –Careful measurements of growth rates with and without linearizer. Klystrons will be in heavily saturated state. This MD will be the decision point for before final production linearizer development.
10/25/06 Klystron Linearizer The goal of the linearizer MD was to run the LER with all stations linearized, and to carefully compare the station dynamics and instability growth rates with and without the linearizer. To do this we took grow/damp data at various beam currents with and without the linearizer at the same klystron operating points.
10/25/06 Klystron Linearizer Final MD Results
10/25/06 Klystron Linearizer Key Findings from Final MD The action of the linearizer as an small signal gain ( amplitude) linearizer was confirmed, though we found that one station could not be linearized. The MD was done with 1 parked station. The linearizer does help with the loop frequency response, and loop stability margins ( RF station stability). The linearizer does NOT seem to effect the low-mode growth rates ( when consistent operating points are chosen).
10/25/06 Klystron Linearizer This discrepancy led to studies using the nonlinear station simulation, and in hindsight we can now explain why the technique helps with station stability via the gain and phase margins, but does not improve growth rates. This understanding came from the analysis of the linearizer MD data. With this insight, we have decided not to invest resources in developing production linearizers.
10/25/06 Klystron Linearizer We are still investigating the HVPS ripple reduction possibilities in SPEAR. This is possible because spear does not push it’s LLRF system nearly as hard as PEP-II. Linearized Bypass
10/25/06 Klystron Linearizer During the final MD, we had troubles configuring the linearizer with LR4-2. It was unclear at the time as to what was causing the problem. In addition and around the same time Claudio Rivetta speculated that something in the LR42 transfer function was helping to increase the low mode growth rates. Some of our noise file measurements had confirmed this result. It finally became apparent that something was wrong with the pre-amp in LR42. As we investigated further we found some interesting effects with most all of the Klystron pre-amps in both the LER and HER.
10/25/06 PEPII Klystron Preamps
10/25/06 Pre-Amplifiers The pre-amplifier used in the PEP-II RF system is under specified. The Klystron Pre-Amp was specified and selected based on CW operation. We operate the preamp in a mode which demands a large amount of dynamic range. Large CW signal with small modulation sidebands.
10/25/06 Pre-Amplifiers Typical Klystron output with beam Sidebands at +/- n*136 kHz. 50 to 60 dB down from carrier.
10/25/06 Pre-Amplifiers Significant Amplitude and Phase Distortion exists in a +/1 MHz band around the carrier. When carrier is removed (Blue Trace), gain looks flat as it should. Small Signal Large Signal Small Signal
10/25/06 Pre-Amplifiers All Amps in LER, HER and SPEAR have been measured
10/25/06 Pre-Amplifiers Intermodulation Performance (MPE Amp) –This characteristic is not well controlled (nor specified) Pre-Amplifier Intermodulation Distortion
10/25/06 Pre-Amplifiers LR4-2, HR12-3 and HR12-6 are especially bad in small signal response
10/25/06 Pre-Amplifiers Pulse Response is undesirable
10/25/06 Pre-Amplifiers LR4-2 Distortion affects ability to implement comb rotation (see Claudio Rivetta’s talk) LR42 is nearly unstable with 20 degrees of comb rotation. Simulations show this is due to non-linear pre-amplifier response.
10/25/06 Pre-Amplifiers What to do? –Run as is… –Modify/Replace existing amplifiers
10/25/06 Pre-Amplifiers Run as is? –Not a good scenario. –Modeling shows that the RF stations will be difficult to configure at beam currents above 3100 mA.
10/25/06 Pre-Amplifiers Modify/Replace existing amplifiers –To evaluate required changes we have tested: Class A amplifier Modified existing (Class AB) amplifier Hybrid (replace RF part of existing amplifier) Other class AB amplifier –In the works: Second hybrid option Second class AB amplifier
10/25/06 Pre-Amplifiers Conclusions/Plans –We are actively searching for a replacement/upgrade path for the existing klystron pre-amplifiers. –A detailed specification will need to be worked out which includes an intermodulation distortion spec. –We plan to complete this work in the next three weeks and then generate a plan/proposal for pre-amplifier upgrades.
10/25/06 Conclusions The RF system is performing fairly well. Reducing the number of aborts below current rate of 2/day will require consistent operations support and careful attention to system configuration. –Transfer of tuning and fault analysis to operations is key to maintaining the LLRF performance The modeling effort in conjunction with what we have learned from the Klystron linearizer effort has improved our ability to predict growth rates and understand the overall RF system operation –The pre-amps have been identified as a source of low mode growth rate increase. We are currently working on a modification plan for these preamps. We hope to have amplifiers retrofitted before the down is over, but it may end up being a swap and go program. More testing is required before submitting plan. –The RFP module has it’s own set of distortions which are just beginning to characterize. This may or may not end up being a significant contributor to low mode longitudinal growth rates.
10/25/06 End
10/25/06 Extra Info (Aborts) HR12-1 Aborts
10/25/06 Extra Info (Aborts) Cavity 1 Arcs (RE reported)
10/25/06 Pre-Amplifiers Amplifiers specified for only CW operation. We devised a way to test the small signal in presence of large signal response and found un-expected results.
10/25/06 Pre-Amplifiers Intermodulation Performance of existing amps
10/25/06 Pre-Amplifiers Evaluations