The generalized measurement system
Compare to Figure 2.1 Measurand Sensing element Signal modification subsystem Indicator or recorder
The system--what we want to know about
The probe--experiences a physical change Does the probe perturb the system?
The transducer--produces a voltage signal
The signal conditioner--changes the voltage Amplify Attenuate Filter
The A/D converter--produces binary numbers
Analysis and display--numbers, graphs, etc.
Base SI units DimensionSI unit masskilogram (kg) lengthmeter (m) timesecond (s) temperatureKelvin (K) electric currentampere (A) chargeCoulomb (C) 1 A = 1 C/s
Other SI units DimensionSI unit velocitymeter per second (m/s) forceNewton (kg-m/s 2 ) voltageVolt (V) resistanceOhm ( )
SI unit multipliers M (‘mega”)1,000,000 k (“kilo”) 1,000 c (“centi”) 1/100 m (“milli”) 1/1,000 (“micro”) 1/1,000,000
Some common British units DimensionSI unit lengthinches (in or “), feet (ft or ‘) masspound mass (lbm) forcepound (lb)