Meet the Teacher This will be my twelfth year of teaching (in addition to several years of substitute teaching) Fifth year at Bradley Grades taught: Kindergarten, Third, Fourth, Fifth BA in Psychology (CU –Denver) MA in Curriculum and Instruction (CU-Denver/School of Education) Married with two children Colorado Native/grew up in southeast Denver Graduate of George Washington High School (DPS)
Math Learning Objectives Unit 1 – Number Theory Rectangular arrays Factoring numbers Introduce prime, composite and square numbers Exponents Unit 2 – Estimation and Computation Subtract multi-digit numbers Probability Magnitude estimates for products Multiply multi-digit numbers Unit 3 – Geometry Explorations Data collection, organization, and interpretation Types of angles, geometric figures, geometry tools Geometric properties of polygons Unit 4 – Division Long division Solve number stories with division/interpret the remainder
Math Objectives Continued Unit 5 – Fractions, Decimals and Percents Comparing and ordering fractions Finding equivalent fractions Mixed-numbers and improper fractions Changing a fraction to decimal and percent Unit 6 – Using Data, Adding and Subtracting Fractions Organize data Add subtract fractions Unit 7 – Exponents Exponential notation Unit 8 – Fractions and Ratios Find equivalent fractions to perform operations Multiplying fractions and mixed numbers Unit 9 – Coordinates, Area, Volume, and Capacity Plot points on coordinate grid Calculate area and volume Unit 10 – Using Data, Algebra Concepts Solve equations with variables Generate input-output tables Link data in tables to corresponding points on coordinate grids Unit 11 – Volume Properties of 3 dimensional shapes Develop formulas for volume Unit 12 – Probability Greatest common factor/least common multiple Use ratios to make comparisons Calculate rates from data
Writing Alive! Genre: Personal narrative Short story Persuasive composition Plot summary/expository summary Expository paragraph/composition Compare and contrast composition Cause and effect composition Research and report writing Poetry Activities: Instructional shapes/five sentence components Sentence dictation Connected camera Sentence styling Interactive planning/drafting/Editing/Revision Setting and assessing goals using rubrics
Reading Highlights Non-fiction Texts Use a variety of strategies to comprehend text Understand and use non-fiction text features Use strategies to infer Predict and draw conclusions Locate/paraphrase main ideas and details Summarize Fiction Texts Use knowledge of narrative text structure Read and respond to literature Summarize Use knowledge of literary techniques Poetry Make inferences to comprehend poetry Understand the elements of poetry Visualize to understand literary language Research and Report Writing Understand structure and text features of editorials and news paper articles Locate information from a variety of sources Organize information using a graphic organizer Summarize in own words Use bibliographies and work cited pages Author Study Consider how an author’s background and cultural perspective may influence his/her writing Compare and contrast themes, characters and ideas Identify point of view
Behavior Policy Green = meeting expectations Yellow = last warning Red = Timeout, note home Purple = Refocus form sent home Three Refocus forms = an office referral. Other ways to motivate students Praise Team points Super Citizen/lunch with the principal Drawing for treasure box Green = meeting expectations Yellow = last warning Red = Timeout, note home Purple = Refocus form sent home Three Refocus forms = an office referral. Other ways to motivate students Praise Team points Super Citizen/lunch with the principal Drawing for treasure box
Homework Math assigned Monday through Thursday, due the next day Spelling list assigned on Mondays Speller’s Choice activity Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Spelling practice test Thursday night (with parent signature) Spelling test on Fridays Independent reading (goal is 45 minutes) Complete the Bradley reading list Students are expected to fill out their student planner daily Parents should review and sign the student planner nightly Additional assignments may come up throughout the year Math assigned Monday through Thursday, due the next day Spelling list assigned on Mondays Speller’s Choice activity Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Spelling practice test Thursday night (with parent signature) Spelling test on Fridays Independent reading (goal is 45 minutes) Complete the Bradley reading list Students are expected to fill out their student planner daily Parents should review and sign the student planner nightly Additional assignments may come up throughout the year
Daily Schedule 9:00 – 10:00 Guided Reading Groups 10:00 – 11:00 Writing 11:00 – 11:30 Reading Mini-Lesson 11:30 – 12:15 Lunch 12:15 - 1:30 Math 1:30 – 2:30 Science or Social Studies 2:30 – 3:00 Skills (Daily Language Instruction/Sentence Styling/Spelling) 3:00 – 3:45 Specials Monday – Technology Tuesday – Gym/Music (alternating weeks) Wednesday – Gym/Music Thursday – Art/Spanish (alternating weeks) Friday – Art/Spanish 9:00 – 10:00 Guided Reading Groups 10:00 – 11:00 Writing 11:00 – 11:30 Reading Mini-Lesson 11:30 – 12:15 Lunch 12:15 - 1:30 Math 1:30 – 2:30 Science or Social Studies 2:30 – 3:00 Skills (Daily Language Instruction/Sentence Styling/Spelling) 3:00 – 3:45 Specials Monday – Technology Tuesday – Gym/Music (alternating weeks) Wednesday – Gym/Music Thursday – Art/Spanish (alternating weeks) Friday – Art/Spanish
Exciting Upcoming Events Balarat (September 24 th -25 th ) Ameritowne (winter) Exhibition (spring)