By: Katie K.
Common denominator The bottom number of a fraction. 3/53/5
Common factor A number that is a multiple of all the numbers of a given set. 1/10_ 5/20
Discount To subtract from a certain amount. Or to get a discount a certain price. 20% OFF
Equivalent fractions Two fractions that have the same percent or decimal, but they may not be the same numbers.
Greatest common factor The largest number that is a common divisor of a given set of numbers.
Improper fraction A fraction that has a bigger numerator than its denominator, that can be reduced. 35/7 89/7
Interest Money that you owe someone for not paying them back, the longer it takes the more money you have to give. + $6.88
Least common denominator The smallest number that is a common denominator of a give n set of fractions. 9/ 77
Least common multiple The smallest number that is a common multiple of a given set o f numbers.
Mixed number A number consisting of a whole number and a fraction or decimal. 44/8
Percent A number that is out of 100, 100 being the most 0 being the least.
Proper fraction A fraction having the numerator less, or lower in degree, than the denominator. 1/8
Quick common denominator Taking two numbers and trying to make the same denominator and just multiplying Those two numbers together. (like 3 and 5 the quick on would be, 3*5 to get 15.) 1/15
Regular Something that is normal or “regular “to you.
Price The sum or amount of money or its equivalent for which any thing is bought.
Sale price Something that is on sale from the normal price that it was bought.
Simplest form Numbers that are prime, or like 75/100 that would not be in simplest form ¾ would be that number in simplest form. 3/4