How do we know when and how to simplify the del operator into simpler expressions (k, iw) when applying it to a plane wave? Can we briefly go over Maxwell's equations, the wave equation, and walk through what they mean? The differential form isn't one I've spent much time with, and when it isn't intuitive from experience, it's much harder to remember (especially in terms of polarization, e.g. div(E) = - div(P)/e0 ). When can we apply the integral forms versus the differential forms of Maxwell's equations? (for example, in determining the boundary conditions when deriving the Fresnel coefficients for different polarizations) Was the only reason we learned about Maxwell's equations to get to the wave equation? Or am I missing an important connection between these laws and the study of optics? Chapter 1
What is the meaning of the displacement current density (equation 1.4) in capacitors, time-varying electric fields, etc. in vacuum? Mathematically, it's clear that this differential version of Ampere's Law relates how the magnetic field changes in space (curl of B) to how the electric field changes in time (dE/dt). But what is being polarized in vacuum for the displacement current to exist at all? __________________________________________________ Given E, find dB/dt ex: E=((7x^2*y^3) x + (2z^4) y) Determine wavelength in terms of k Can we review the derivation we did in homework 3y? I remember trying to memorize it, but it's been a long time and I no longer remember it. Chapter 1
Which equations do we have to memorize from this chapter besides the relationships between lambda, omega, c, etc.? Will we always use the euler/exponential and complex form of the solution to the wave equation? Or will we need to know the other forms it can have? When the wave has moved into the material by a distance of one vacuum wavelength, by what factor is the wave amplitude reduced? And what is the phase change of the wave at this distance? n=2 and kappa=3. Chapter 2
Example 2.2 gives n and kappa from the susceptibility index, assuming it is complex. I remember a few homework problems where we did use kappa for absorption. However, eq (2.30) gives the simple relationship between n and susceptiblity assuming absorption is very small. Can we generally assume this relationship and negelect the imaginary part of thesuscebility and index of refraction? Most of the time we have. Slide 8 of lecture 2, when defining a useful volume for calculating how atoms influence light fields, the volume must be large compared to the atom size and small compared to the dielectric? I don't remember this or why. The only time that the polarization is a source of an E-field is when there is a charge density. Correct? Chapter 2
What exactly is the difference between Brewster's angle and the critical angle? Why does p polarized light's reflection decrease for certain angles in metal? How can you tell from a graph of reflectance, if the light has gone through a phase shift? Hw 3.12 I would like to review evanescent waves and how to calculate them. Chapter 3
How do you describe an evanescent mathematically? In section 3.6 of the textbook, in the second paragraph it says: "we actually do not need to know the transmitted angle µt to employ Fresnel reflection coefficients (3.20) and (3.22). We need only acquire expressions for cosµt and sinµt, and we can obtain those from Snell’s law (3.7)." How do we get Cos[theta*t] from Snell's law? I would like to review why metals have a complex refractive index and what that mean? Can you explain again why only one type of polarization exists after reflection? What type is eliminated? Chapter 3
From Figure 4.12 in the text, will we ever have to worry about the angle of divergence of the point source? I'm a little confused when we can say it's coming straight on and when it's diverging, or if that even matters. Do we need to have memorized Sylvester's theorem (pg. 107) for use in multilayer stacks? We didn't really use it in the homework because the matrix M always had zeros on one of the diagonals. Should we expect to have to work with an M with all non-zero entries? How can we know how to properly apply the Fresnel coefficients to a problem regarding multiple parallel interfaces? What does the finesse term actually mean? I understand how it modifies the equations, but what is it's physical meaning? I missed a lecture at the end of the chapter. I never noticed us using Sylvester's theorem. When and how is it used? I would like a little better understanding of equations regarding Ts(total) and Ts(max), etc. such as eq. 4.15, 4.15 (HW problem 4.3). Chapter 4
In the equation for extraordinary polarized light, there are three theta's in the equation and I don't understand what theta prime is or what it represents. Could you explain it? The Poynting Vector in a uniaxial Crystal and showing it's relationship to the electric and magnetic fields in the crystal and how that is developed. Slide number 9 shows a picture of the S, E, K vector etc. What is parallel to what? I don't understand the purpose of having an optical axis, could you explain why having the optical axis helps us? Chapter 5