Chapter 16: Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
16-1 Darwin’s Voyage of Discovery 1831, Darwin set sail on HMS Beagle Ship’s naturalist -observer/collector of plants, animals, & fossils Left from England, sailed around South America, across Pacific, around Africa, and back to England Most famous for observations made at Galapagos Islands Biological evolution – change of populations of organisms over time
16-1 Darwin’s Voyage of Discovery Darwin noted 3 patterns of biodiversity: Species vary globally – different, yet ecologically similar animal species inhabited separate, but ecologically similar, habitats around the globe (rheas, ostriches and emus) Species vary locally – different, yet related animal species occupied different habitats within a local area (tortoise shell shape - Galapagos) Species vary over time – fossils of extinct animals were similar to living species
16-1 Darwin’s Voyage of Discovery Darwin noted 3 patterns of biodiversity: Species vary globally – different, yet ecologically similar animal species inhabited separate, but ecologically similar, habitats around the globe (rheas, ostriches and emus)
16-1 Darwin’s Voyage of Discovery Darwin noted 3 patterns of biodiversity: Species vary locally – different, yet related animal species occupied different habitats within a local area (tortoise shell shape - Galapagos)
16-1 Darwin’s Voyage of Discovery Darwin noted 3 patterns of biodiversity: Species vary over time – fossils of extinct animals were similar to living species
16-2 Ideas That Shaped Darwin’s Thinking Darwin was influenced by: James Hutton - proposed that layers of rock form very slowly Some rocks move up, while others are buried to create mountains and valleys. Natural forces such as rain and temperature shaped the landscape These processes happen very slowly over millions of years
16-2 Ideas That Shaped Darwin’s Thinking Charles Lyell – said earth was several million years old Earth changed over time due to geologic forces (volcanoes, earthquakes, wind, erosion, etc.) Darwin reasoned that if Earth changed, those who lived on it would have to adapt/change to survive.
16-2 Ideas That Shaped Darwin’s Thinking Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck suggested that organisms acquired traits during their lifetime to adapt to their environment and passed those acquired traits onto their offspring. WRONG – only traits found on genes can be passed onto offspring!!
16-2 Ideas That Shaped Darwin’s Thinking Thomas Malthus – an economist that said the human population was limited by the supply of food and living space. Darwin reasoned that the same limits could apply to organisms in nature.
16-2 Ideas That Shaped Darwin’s Thinking Natural Variation – differences among individuals of a species. Farmers depend on natural variation for selective breeding Only the largest hogs would be bred. Artificial Selection – humans selected the variations that they find useful.
16-3 Darwin Presents His Case Darwin published his findings in 1859 in a book entitled The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. He was motivated to publish his book in 1859 because Alfred Wallace had independently come up with the same conclusions
Adaptations vs. Variations 16-3 Darwin Presents His Case Adaptations vs. Variations Variations – differences that exist within a population that may have no effect on fitness Ex: length of your thumb Adaptations – a variation that all members of a population have inherited because that trait improves fitness Ex: an opposable thumbs
16-3 Darwin Presents His Case Sources of variation: Mutations – individual genes change Ex: ATC AGC Events during meiosis – during meiosis, chromosomes get mixed up (crossing over) in making eggs & sperm Random fusion of gametes – which sperm fertilizes which egg – determined by chance
16-3 Darwin Presents His Case Three types of adaptations: Structural – physical features of an organism Ex: long tongue to get food, sharp teeth Camouflage Behavioral – actions an organism takes Ex: migration, tracking prey, storing nuts, growing towards light Physiological – functioning/biochemical processes Ex: venom, ink of octopus, protein in web, respiration rate, digestive enzyme, blood clotting
16-3 Darwin Presents His Case Populations become modified through natural selection Natural selection - the process by which environment acts on a population, determining which organisms are most “fit.” Those organisms who are most “fit” survive and reproduce more often than those who are not. Fitness – reproductive success (“survival of the fittest”)
16-3 Darwin Presents His Case Darwin noticed similarities between species seen on mainland and island chains Thought similarities could be explained by descent with modification – species came to new environment, then changed over time as the species adapted to its new environment.
16.4 Evidence of Evolution Fossils Anatomy Analogous structures Homologous structures Vestigial structures Embryology Biochemistry Direct observation
16.4 Evidence of Evolution Fossil Evidence Fossils - the remains of past life Ex: shells, bones, teeth, imprints Tell us age, habitat, diet, & lifestyle of organisms. Record is incomplete – many organisms leave no fossils behind
Bones of vertebrate forelimbs 16.4 Evidence of Evolution Anatomical Evidence – Homologous Structures All vertebrate forelimbs contain the same sets of bones –suggests they evolved from a common ancestor. Homologous structures - structures that are similar because they develop from same tissues early in development; may or may not have same jobs Ex: frog, lizard, bird, whale, cat, bat, and human forelimbs Bones of vertebrate forelimbs
Anatomical Evidence – Analogous Structures 16.4 Evidence of Evolution Anatomical Evidence – Analogous Structures Analogous structures - used for the same purpose but are not due to a common ancestor Ex: bird wing & insect wing
Cormorant – flightless bird 16.4 Evidence of Evolution Vestigial structures – have no function in the living organism but may have been used by its ancestors. Ex: human appendix, python leg bones Cormorant – flightless bird
16.4 Evidence of Evolution Embryology – the more similar the embryos are at certain stages of development, the more closely related they are thought to be.
16.4 Evidence of Evolution Biochemical Evidence Biochemical Evidence Universal genetic code – organisms use the same triplet code and the same 20 amino acids in proteins All organisms have certain organic molecules in common. 1.Hemoglobin - carries oxygen in blood 2. Cytochrome c - protein for cell respiration found in almost all living cells 3. Hox genes – control development
Significance of biochemical differences
16.4 Evidence of Evolution Direct observation – We’ve seen evolution occur in cases like: The Grant’s studies of finches on Daphne Major in the Galapagos Bacteria becoming resistant to antibiotics Insects that become resistant to pesticides