Big IdeasDarwinOver TimeTermsExamples 100
What term explains how populations change over time?
Biological Evolution
What is the term for a change in behavior or physical trait that helps an organism survive in its environment?
A group of organisms that can mate with each other and produce fertile offspring is called a_____.
What do you call a group of individuals of the same species?
Organisms with traits best suited to their environment are more likely to survive. This is called________ ________.
Natural Selection
He’s called the father of evolution and came up with the theory of natural selection. Who is he?
Charles Darwin
What is the name of the group of islands Darwin sailed to on his quest to study nature?
Galapagos Islands
Charles Darwin sailed around the earth for five years on a ship called the _____________.
HMS Beagle
Charles Darwin did not understand the role _________ played in evolution when he was developing his theory?
Darwin’s theory of natural selection had 4 elements. They are (1)________, (2)_______ ______, (3)______ __ _______, and (4)_______ ________?
(1)Overproduction (2) Inherited Variation (3) Struggle to Survive (4) Successful Reproduction
_______ are trace remains of an organism that lived long ago, most commonly preserved in sedimentary rock.
What are two things scientists can look at when comparing species to see if they share a common ancestor?
(1)Similar DNA (2) Similar Traits
A ______ can be passed from parent to offspring through genes.
Organisms who reproduce sexually have offspring that are not identical. The difference in the offspring’s traits is called _______ _______.
Inherited Variation
A ________ in the DNA can be a source of new traits in an organism. Examples of this are an insertion, deletion, and substitution.
Speciation is the formation of new species as a result of evolution. What are the 3 steps in this process?
(1)Separation (2) Adaptation (3) Division
A historical sequence of life indicated by fossils found in layers of the Earth’s crust.
Fossil Record
____________ ______ is the period between the birth of one generation and the birth of the next generation. Insects have a very short one?
Generation Time
How something lives, eats, and survives in its ecosystem.
________ is the difference in structure or characteristics from others of the same species or group. This happens as a result of differences in the genes.
What trait of the finches did Charles Darwin study? What did he conclude was the reason for the differences in this trait?
1.He studied their beaks 2. He concluded that differences in their diet caused them to evolve differently over generations
Darwin’s theory of natural selection was influenced by Mathus’s study on population. What did this study state about the relationship between food and population growth?
Food supplies cannot support unlimited population growth
Bacteria and insects have adapted to become resistant to antibiotics and pesticides. How is this quick adaptation possible? A: Bacteria and insects have a very short _________ ______.
Bacteria and insects have a very short generation time.
In every population and species there are 4 limiting factors. They are: (1)_________, (2)_________, (3)_________, and (4)_________.
(1)Starvation (2) Disease (3) Competition (4) Predation
Scientists are observing the genetic makeup of two organisms by looking at their DNA. The DNA is very similar. What might they conclude about these organisms? A: They may share a ________ _______.
They may share a common ancestor.