St. Mary’s Catholic Academy Please feel free to investigate the different ways we have been getting Physically Active!
Date of 1 st Bleep Test: 07/07/2014 Date of 2 st Bleep Test: 16/03/15 Next Bleep Test due : Late April/Early May Of our KS2 pupils maintained or improved their level of fitness!! Current Y3Current Y4Current Y5Current Y6 improved maintained regressed % IMPROVED A CLASSIFICATION 34% MAINTAINED CLASSIFICATION 10% REGRESSED A CLASSIFICATION
Every year our teachers evaluate our experiences of P.E. ‘Green’ statements show where our School is doing well, ‘Red’ shows where we are trying to get better! Statements classified as ‘Green’ Statements classified as ‘Amber’ Statements classified as ‘Red’ St Marys (07/2014) St Marys (03/2015)
Red 1:Pupils show very high levels of physical fitness and can work for prolonged periods of time. Red 2: A wide range of equipment and resources, including computers and video technology is used regularly and effectively to enhance learning. Red 3: PE has a high profile and there is a strong sporting ethos in the school. Red 4: Rigorous lesson monitoring, regular staff training and the sharing of best practice have eradicated weaknesses, adding greater consistency to teaching and learning. Red 5:Pathways from school to community sport and physical activity exist. Red 6: PE makes an excellent contribution to whole- school priorities, including consistent application of literacy and numeracy policies.
Action Plan response: Children take part periodically in the Bleep Test to assess the levels of fitness, and to ascertain whether they have maintained, progressed or regressed over the term. The data is then used to compose interventions. Children that have showed signs of performing at a high standard are invited to take part in the Sports Starz club where as those that are highlighted as needing extra activities are invited to the Change 4 Life program. For other children, a wide variety of extra-curricular and sports teams are available to challenge the children and to continue to work on the fitness of the children. Action Plan response: Craig Sigley (Collegiate PE specialist) has been booked in for a CPD session to deliver to staff, during staff meetings, about the different ways iPads and laptops can be used during PE sessions. During the Sports Starz club, children have begun to use iPads to analyse and further improve performance. These children will then act as leaders to other children in order to help them understand how iPads can be used.
Action Plan response The school has entered a higher amount of tournaments this year, hosted by both the Newman Catholic Collegiate and through St. Mary’s links with the Burslem Town affiliates. The higher amount of extra-curricular activities coupled with the broader breadth of choice in the PE Curriculum delivered in our school has greatly helped the sporting ethos, as well as the children having a say in which units of PE are taught at which time. This in turn has lead to a higher engagement and motivation towards physical education. The introduction of monthly challenges with a reward for the winner has also heightened the sporting ethos in school. Action Plan response Team teaching with Craig Sigley for all members of staff has improved staff confidence to deliver consistently outstanding PE sessions that are accessible yet challenging and engaging to all abilities of pupils. These are alternated between year groups, with Craig Sigley providing written notes on what was done well and how these lessons will be developed. This will continue in the following academic year. Staff training has taken place regarding new schemes of work, literacy and numeracy links in PE and how to use ICT (iPads etc) to evaluate performance.
Action Plan response We are currently creating a list of outside sports clubs that the children maybe interesting in joining according to their sporting abilities and talents. Parents who have a child who is performing well in an certain area of sport are put in contact with a local club that would greatly benefit their child's progress. Action Plan response Through our planning and schemes of work, conscious links have been made to numeracy and literacy to ensure that children are exposed to both literacy and numeracy. Craig Sigley has delivered CPD to all staff in order to maximise the links in the planning and to give examples on how to use the literacy and numeracy links.
Téa– “I did so much better in the Bleep Test because of the Change 4 Life Program!” Alfie– “I love the fact that we have looked at so many different areas of PE this year!” Travis– “We compete a lot more in tournaments because of the amount of clubs we are doing now!”
CLUBS IN 2013/14CLUBS IN 2014/15 Autumn 1 – Football, Cross Country, Street Dance, Activ8. Autumn 2 – Football, Cross Country, Street Dance, Activ8 Spring 1 – Gymnastics, Netball, Street Dance and Change 4 Life. Spring 2 – Netball, Tag-Rugby, Street Dance and Change 4 Life. Summer 1 – Sports Starz, Mini- Athletics, Athletics, Netball and Street Dance, Change 4 Life, Multi-Skills. Summer 2 – Sports Starz, Mini- Athletics, Athletics, Netball, Change 4 Life and Multi-skills. 29! Autumn 1 – Football, Street Dance, Cross Country and Netball. Autumn 2 – Football, Street Dance, Cross Country and Netball. Spring 1 – Football, Multi-Skills, Netball and Street Dance Spring 2 – Football, Mutli-skills, Netball and Street Dance Summer 1 – Football, Street Dance, Athletics and Active8 Summer 2 – Football, Street Dance, Athletics and Active8 24
In 2013/14: 58.79% of pupils attended a Sports Club. 59.74% of Boys attended a Sports Club. 57.69% of Girls attended a Sports Club. 48.29% of Pupil Premium registered pupils attended a Sports Clubs. So far in 2014/15 (March 2015): 54.18% of pupils have attended a Sports Club. 61.84% of Boys have attended a Sports Club. 50.46% of Girls have attended a Sports Club. 52.50% of Pupil Premium registered pupils have attended a Sports Clubs.
‘ Change 4 Life Program’ The ‘Change 4 Life’ club is full of children who are just starting to get active! They are enjoying getting fitter and stronger with ASM on a Friday lunchtime! ‘Sports Starz’ Our ‘Sports Starz’ are a group of pupils who have shown an extra exciting level of potential! This group works hard to get even better at clubs and special events through the Collegiate.