Justice Business Community Culture & Media Education Environment International Sport APHS STUDENT PARLIAMENT 2013/14 (School Councils)
Priorities for development: 1.Set up a school shop to sell stationary and calculator, etc 2.Organisation of trips to various businesses to see how they are run on a daily basis 3.Project days set up in school in the theme of ‘Dragon Den’ for budding entrepreneurs BUSINESS COUNCIL
Areas for developments: 1.Get other teachers involved in extra- curricular activities 2.Competitions for staff versus students 3.Projects set up between the school and local businesses and restaurants COMMUNITY COUNCIL
Area for developments: 1.Rebrand Wave Radio at lunchtimes 2.Introduce a film club 3.Cultural trips to other countries or partnership schools CULTURE AND MEDIA COUNCIL
Priorities for development: 1.Collaborate house points and positives to go towards the Gold Award trip 2.KS4 isolations should be after school, so that students do not miss out on any lessons 3.Regular meetings for bus prefects to discuss any transport issues JUSTICE COUNCIL (Behaviour & Transport)
Priority for developments: 1.Vary methods of teaching 2.Design homework timetable/policy 3.Consistency in behaviour management strategies EDUCATION COUNCIL
Priority for developments: 1.More environmental trips 2.Set up Eco-police, responsible for recycling in each classroom 3.Eco-police to check that lights are being turned off to save energy ENERGY, ENVIRONMENT, FOOD AND RURAL AFFAIRS COUNCIL
Priority for developments: 1.More international days and international menus 2.The use of Skype to contact partner schools from all around the world 3.Mandarin lessons INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL
Priority for developments: 1.Display board for team photos and match reports to be put up 2.Look to fund the building of a Sportshall 3.Organisation of a Winter Sports Day SPORT COUNCIL
One representative from each council is elected to represent the Junior Leadership Team (JLT) The JLT students meet once per half term. Feedback from these meetings are taken to the Senior Leadership Team (SLT) and governor meetings. Head Boy and Head Girl attend SLT at 3.00, for 15 mins. JUNIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM