Global Smart Energy is Solar! Ron Swenson
Global Smart Energy Bilateral Trade & Investment Opportunity * Business opportunity in the Smart Grid Donald Steiny, President, Donald Steiny Consulting. * Smart Grid: Domestic and International Policies, Priorities, and Programs, and Opportunities for U.S. Industry and SMEs Shannon L. Fraser, International Trade Specialist, Office of Energy and Environmental Industries, Department of Commerce, ITA * Smart Grid Applications in Transportation Dimitri Dadiomov, Business Development, North America, Better Place * Renewable Energy Microgrid Testbed at NASA Ames Research Center [V2G] Joel Kubby, Associate Professor, Baskin School of Engineering, Dept. of Electrical Engineering at University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC) * The Surfacing of Local Micro Grids in the Energy Infrastructure Marty Kurtovich, Senior Business Development Manager, Chevron Energy Solutions (CES) * Micro Grids and Major Utilities - The Twain Shall Meet? Matthew Steiner, Principal, Hygrid Green Energy * Accelerating Smart Grid Deployment with Interoperability Standards Claudio Lima, Managing Director, Sonoma Innovation * A System Architectural View of the Smart Electric Power Grid Dr. David M. Tralli, Manager, Civil Programs, National Space Technology Applications Office, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, CalTech * Energy Savings for the Users and How that Affects the Smart Grid Revolution John Knapp, President and CEO, Power Shaver, Energy Savings Systems
Global Energy Sources
IEA in 1998
IEA in 2008
Cantarell Production
Key oil figures were distorted by US pressure, says whistleblower
Peak Oil
Leveling Appalachia The Legacy of Mountaintop Removal Mining
Lawrence Livermore Lab
Water Essential to make energy
A Plan for a Sustainable Future by 2030 Wind, water and solar technologies can provide 100 percent of the world's energy, eliminating all fossil fuels.
Peak Solar
Combining Solar Wind Hydro
UN Commitment Renewable Energy in Galapagos On January 16, 2001, the tanker Jessica ran aground and sank in Puerto Baquerizo Moreno on San Cristóbal Island. A major oil spill occurred which continues to have long-term effects on the health of marine wildlife in the Galapagos. Fuel delivery to the Archipelago continues to place the islands at environmental and economic risk. As a response to this tragic event, the United Nations Development Program is leading an international coalition of donors to repower the Galapagos Islands with renewable energy.
Kal Loren Kallevig
Gala Grid
Galapagos Audits
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