Technology-Supported Literacy in the Classroom: Using Audiobooks and Digital Storytelling to Enhance Literacy Instruction Article by Kirsten Hett Slide Show by Keith Broyles
Technology in the Classroom According to NCES 97% of public school teachers have computers and 93% of those have wireless internet. Yet on average only 42% of teachers have students create multimedia presentations
A definition of 21 st Century Literacy Global Literacy Technology Literacy Information Literacy Visual Literacy Digital Literacy In order to be literate in the 21st century students must possess:
Strengths to Incorporating Technology Student Independence Motivation Peer-Support Achievements are Enhanced Students who struggle with reading or writing “may be motivated by digital technologies because they are more literate in new literacies and employ these to scaffold traditional literacy” (Sylvester & Greenridge, 2009, p. 294)
Challenges to Incorporating Technology Teachers often do not realize the importance of the skills students learn through the use of digital media. Many teachers have not been properly trained. Previous exposure to technology Not utilizing technology already acquired correctly.
Audiobooks Audio books can be found everywhere! MP3 Players Computers iPods Tablets Kindles CD Players
Strengths of Audiobooks “ Many children are over scheduled and overloaded; thus reading for fun is pushed aside. Extracurricular activities such as soccer practice and Girl Scouts etc. in addition to homework has become the norm.” Audiobooks can... offer more time for adolescents to read serve as models of verbal fluency Motivate reluctant readers and provide assistance
Many people believe these are a form of cheating. Not True!
Strategies for Incorporating Audiobooks Access to audiobooks Teach students how to use audiobooks Create guidlines for using the audiobooks Create a rubric for reading responces Connect the audiobook to curriculum Set up a listening station Use audiobooks to introdue texts Group setting to hear examples of fluency, intonation, and pacing Lead discussions of effective well-read book
Digital Stories A new generation of storytelling begins through digital stories, created on the computer using pictures and sometimes adding video or audio files. Using digital technologies, students can turn one-dimensional writing composition into a digital story that can be published and shared to a small, intimate audience or with the world
Seven Steps to Digital Storytelling 1)Owning Your Insights 2)Owning Your Emotions 3)Finding the Moment 4)Seeing Your Story 5)Hearing Your Story 6)Assembling Your Story 7)Sharing Your Story
Strengths of Digital Storytelling While creating a digital story, students apply both reading and writing skills. Students must: Write a script or text Sequentially plan images Utilize technology Integrate 21 st century literacies Conduct research Communicate with an audience I approve!
Strategies for Incorporating Digital Stories There are three major categories of digital stories: 1)Personal Narratives 2)Stories that inform or instruct 3)Stories that examine historical events Explain these to your students Assign students to research a historical topic or event In groups, individually Explain the seven steps from earlier
Digital Storytelling Cool resources