Renewable Energy around the World Class 7 Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Peru, the Galapagos Islands, Puerto Rico, Aruba
Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Peru, the Galapagos Islands, Puerto Rico
Argentina Population: 40 million GNI/capita: $14,560 Annual population growth rate: 0.95% People per square mile: 36 RECAI: not on list
Solar-powered villages in Argentina
Wind in Patagonia Typical mean annual wind speed estimates at 50m are 9 mps, and the best and worst sites were 11 and 7 mps. The highest winds were found in a long north-south belt about half way between the Andes Mountains on the west and the Atlantic coast in the east. The high wind zone appears to stretch for about 900 km from north to south, by about 200 km in the east-west direction. The area could support roughly 900,000 MW of wind capacity, if transmission lines were available. (Total intalled global wind power is now about 370,000 MW) _Argentina.pdf
Argentina Patagonia Renewable Energy Project
China invests in wind farm in Argentina
Chile Population: 20 million GNI/capita: $10,730 Annual population growth rate: 0.84% People per square mile: 62 RECAI #2 Solar CSP#1: US #6 Solar PV #1-5: China, US, Japan, Germany, India #10 Geothermal #1-9: US, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Philippines, Turkey, Italy, Germany, Mexico #11 Overall
Renewable Energy in Chile
Luz del Norte Solar Plant Copiapo, Chile Etrion’s 70 MW Salvador Solar PV plant, Atacama, Chile
Geothermal Chile's geothermal potential is estimated at 16,000 MW, 1.2 times the energy capacity currently installed in the country.
4000 miles of coast!
Potential Wave Energy in Chile really swell! …the entire Chilean territory comprises one of the most suitable places in the world for the generation of electrical power from wave energy. _the_potential_of_wave_energy.pdf _the_potential_of_wave_energy.pdf
Brazil Population: 204 million GNI/capita: $11,690 Annual population growth rate: 0.80% People per square mile: 62 RECAI #2 Hydro #1: China #4 Biomass#1-3: China, US, Japan #5 Onshore Wind #1-4: China, US, Germany, Canada #9 Solar CSP #1-8: US, Chile, China, South Africa, India, Australia, Morocco, Israel #9 Overall
Itaipu – Biggest Dam First wave energy device in Latin America Wind energy in Brazil
World Cup Stadium PV One-third of the countries competing in the FIFA 2014 World Cup are unable to produce as much solar energy as one of the stadiums they are competing in. Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Cameroon, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Honduras, Iran, Ivory Coast and Uruguay all produce less solar power than the 2.5 MW solar capability of the Estadio Nacional Mane Garrincha in Brasilia. Ghana produces the same amount.
Ethanol in Brazil
Peru Population: 30 million GNI/capita: $6,410 Annual population growth rate: 0.99% People per square mile: 57 RECAI #7 Hydro 1-6: China, Brazil, US, Japan, Canada, India #12 Geothermal 1-11: US, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Philippines, Turkey, Italy, Germany, Mexico, Chile, Australia #26 Overall
Itaipu Dam
GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES IN PERU Ing. Guillermo Diaz Huaina Catedrático Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería Consultor en Geotermia
The Galapagos Islands Galapagos airport evolves to renewable energy only. Galapagos islands are a province of Ecuador. _evolves_to_renewable_energy_only_999.html _evolves_to_renewable_energy_only_999.html
Puerto Rico Population: 4 million GNI/capita: $19,210 Annual population growth rate: -0.65% People per square mile: 1160 Not on RECAI list
Renewable Energy from the Deep Ocean
Aruba Population: 100,000 GNI/capita: na Annual population growth rate: 0.5% People per square mile: 1529 Not on RECAI list
Aruba All renewable by 2020? d_views/clean_tech/carrie-thompson/how- aruba-plans-be-energy-independent d_views/clean_tech/carrie-thompson/how- aruba-plans-be-energy-independent-2020