NATIONAL TELEVISION AND RADIO BROADCASTING COUNCIL OF UKRAINE New Media – Its Impact on broadcasting – The Prospects for National Regulator Larysa Mudrak, Deputy Chairman Kyiv- 2013
NATIONAL TELEVISION AND RADIO BROADCASTING COUNCIL OF UKRAINE Current legislation vs. new media The Law of Ukraine On Radio and Television Broadcasting was adopted in 1993 and covers now only IPTV technology: licenses are issued for program service providers operating with this technology. Over the last three years the interest to IPTV technology has raised sharply among: Program service providers Ukrainian Audience New Media- Its Impact on broadcasting – the Prospects for National Regulator
NATIONAL TELEVISION AND RADIO BROADCASTING COUNCIL OF UKRAINE Currently 95 IPTV licenses issued to 64 companies – mostly doubled comparing with the last year. OTT technology is also becoming more popular in Ukraine: ability to provide free access for users to video materials (content, TV channels, flow video) independently from program service providers. New Media- Its Impact on broadcasting – the Prospects for National Regulator Current legislation vs. new media
In the frame of Joint project with OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine: best European practices were studied; consultations with representatives of media industry in Ukrainian regions were held; a special glossary for new media industry was developed; proper provisions in the new draft law On Television and Radio Broadcasting have been worked out. NATIONAL TELEVISION AND RADIO BROADCASTING COUNCIL OF UKRAINE New Media Expert Dialogue Speaking the same language New Media- Its Impact on broadcasting – the Prospects for National Regulator
NATIONAL TELEVISION AND RADIO BROADCASTING COUNCIL OF UKRAINE SPECIAL GLOSSARY FOR NEW MEDIA INDUSTRY New Media- Its Impact on broadcasting – the Prospects for National Regulator This Overview aimed at: to classify new media; to give recommendations for further legislative improvement; to develop new instruments to promote new technologies and achievements in Ukraine; to speak the same language by all media players.
NATIONAL TELEVISION AND RADIO BROADCASTING COUNCIL OF UKRAINE The new draft law New Media- Its Impact on broadcasting – the Prospects for National Regulator The new draft Law On Television and Radio Broadcasting – in line with The Audiovisual Media Service Directive; supported by European experts; developing in wide public dialogue. Core elements suggested: regulation based on technological neutrality; notification approach.
NATIONAL TELEVISION AND RADIO BROADCASTING COUNCIL OF UKRAINE Thank You for Your Attention! New Media- Its Impact on broadcasting – the Prospects for National Regulator