Sixth Meeting of the Washington Group on Disability Statistics Session 3: In-depth review of cognitive and field test results and experiences Cognition Alicia Bercovich Population Census Committee, IBGE, Brazil Kampala, Uganda, October
Brazil Cognitive Test Carried out on April 2006;Carried out on April 2006; In three Brazilian municipalities:In three Brazilian municipalities: –Rio de Janeiro in the Southeast Region; –Curitiba in the South Region; and –Olinda in the Northeast Region. Selection Process:Selection Process: –Used 2000 Census Information on Disabled People and visited the selected households –Quota Sample of each domain tested –Selected Census Tracts with higher density of disabled people
Interviewers from IBGE staff on household surveys Men 6 Women 9 Qualification High School College Training 2 days Forms, Handbook, CD2000 Address File, Maps Observers7 Respondents406 –Persons with at least one type of disability 227 –Persons with no disability 179 Implementation of the cognitive test
Questionnaire Added four questions, called additional questions, which had been used in 2000 Census;Added four questions, called additional questions, which had been used in 2000 Census; By request of CORDE we included a question on Body Functions and Structure;By request of CORDE we included a question on Body Functions and Structure; The order of the categories of response of the additional questions have been modified considering the results of pilot tests preceding 2000 Census:The order of the categories of response of the additional questions have been modified considering the results of pilot tests preceding 2000 Census: The core questions and the categories of response were maintainedThe core questions and the categories of response were maintained
Question on cognition Do you have difficulty remembering or concentrating? No, no difficulty 01 – No, no difficulty 02 – Yes, some difficulty 03 – Yes, a lot of difficulty 04 – Can not do at all 09 – No Answer/Don’t know
Repeat = Did the respondent need you to repeat any part of the question? Options = Did the respondent have any difficulty using the response options? Explanations = Did the respondent ask for clarification or qualify their answer? Core question Question on cognition
¿Why did you answer that way? Proxy answers for severe cognition problems : Because he has a mental Disease Because he is not good of head Because he is very ill He has brain paralysis Autistic with mental problem She is with Alzeimer Mental Retardation He doesn’t speak nor communicates Open question Question on cognition
Self Answers ¿Why did you answer that way? Some difficulty People speaks with me and I ask to repeat I have difficulty remembering, even telephone messages I have bad memory I forgot even very important things, like medicines and appointments A lot of difficulty for concentrating No difficulty Because I am very good for remembering I have good memory I concentrate well I have no difficulty at all I know all the telephone numbers of the family and important days
Cognition: Response Patterns
Final Remarks The answers to the additional questions were generally consistent with the core questions When compared with the 2000 Census questions were also compatible, but seemed to detect better some types of problems No problems to understand the core questions Not so good for children with mental retardation or other problems Small proportion of false-negatives or false- positives Use for policy making?
Question on cognition
Do you have difficulty remembering, concentrating or both? 01 - Remembering 02 - Concentrating 03 - Both 09 - No Answer/Don’t Know How often do you have difficulty remembering or concentrating well? 01 - Very often 02 - Somewhat often 03 - Never 09 - No Answer/Don’t Know
When you are having difficulty, how much effort do you have to put into remembering or concentrating? 01 - A lot of effort 02 - Some effort 03 - No effort 09 - No Answer/Don’t Know Do you believe that your memory or concentration difficulties are… [MARK ALL THAT APPLY] 01 - because you have too many things to do? 02 - because you getting older? 03 - because of something else? 09 - No Answer/Don’t Know
Are there any activities that you cannot do because of a problem with your memory or concentration? 01 - Yes. Which would be this activity?………… No 09 - No Answer/Don’t Know How concerned or worried are you about your ability to remember or concentrate? 01 - Very concerned 02 - Somewhat concerned 03 - Not at all 09 - No Answer/Don’t Know