6 -7 March 2009 Bucharest Romania
The new Task Force of the RCC on Fostering and Building Human Capital was put in charge to promote coherency and coordination between education, higher education and research by creating a platform of dialogue and cooperation of actors involved in these sectors This was the first international conference organised by the TF FBHC It convened decision-makers from: European institutions and international organisations, Ministries of Education, Science and Research, Labour and Social Affairs from SEE countries, Non-governmental organisations active in the field of human capital building, Education experts, researchers, RCC and international donors.
shift from assistance to cooperation and partnership in support of the reform agenda identification of education, science and research and the development of human capital under the name Fostering and Building Human Capital
To respond to the changing landscape by creating a forum for debate on the role of human capital for the development of sustainable knowledge economies and societies in the region as well as for the regions inclusion into an Enlarged Europe
Assist in moving policy making from fragmentation of education, vocational education and training, higher education and research to an integrated and systemic one considering the comprehensive dimension of the human capital; Discuss ways to deal with the need for and the growing impact of the knowledge triangle on economic and social development in South Eastern Europe; Provide information about relevant international and European developments with regard to human capital contribution to sustainable economic and social development; Raise awareness to support articulated and coherent actions and practices at all levels, in particular amongst policymakers; Facilitate co-operation among key actors in the area of human capital in the region.
Future development (sustainable economy, society) Knowledge, Innovation & creativity Human capital development Cross-sectoral policies Cooperation: Countries in SEE EU Non-EU Sectors in Government EDUSCI EMPLVET Regional dev Levels of governance NationalRegional Local Institutional GO &NGO Private & public
Moved from General policy lines to discussing practical implementation International to local experiences Describing the work of already established cooperation networks to discussing future topical networking needs and possibilities Separate important areas to joint understanding Providers perspective to stakeholders views Mobilized a wide array of perspectives brought in through the diversity of participants
Moved through five areas crucial for human capital development Human capital contribution to the development of learning regions where innovation-friendly environments are created and knowledge is converted into innovative products and services Using research evidence and trends as prerequisites for creating effective policies for building human capital; Human capital contribution to sustainable development Fostering human capital for labour market needs and competitiveness TVET and HE modernization as a response to challenges for building human capital in a changing society
The first part of the conference demonstrated the cooperation potential and synergetic possibilities of established networks and institutional structures through the contributions from the, TF BHC, ERI-SEE, EC DG research, SEE-ERA.NET, WBC-INCO.NET, ETF, CoE, OECD, UNDP/RCC, and the Croatian Employment Association All contribution highlighted and reflected the movement from discussing typical sectoral topics to seeing education and research as powerful instruments for building human capital
A rich overview on what has been and is being done on: Developing cooperation in SEE from 1999 onwards Creating possibilities for future oriented knowledge management Supporting LLL, supporting the development of competencies, qualification frameworks Improving research capacities and increasing scientific knowledge Overcoming the digital divide Education – labor market partnerships, active employment measures, adult learning Bridging policy-practice gaps, developing new teaching practices, sharing experiences from the region System reviews, student assessments and networking to support economic growth
Future development (sustainable economy, society) Knowledge, Innovation & creativity Human capital development Cooperation: Countries in SEE EU Non-EU Sectors in Government EDUSCI EMPLVET Regional dev Levels of governance NationalRegional Local Institutional GO &NGO Private & public Regional devUsing evidence Meeting labor market needsSustainable development TVET
Impressions from the workshops: Almost all wshs extremely dynamic and rich in inputs All welcomed the diversity of participants (countries, backgrounds) All felt the relevance of topics All topics addressed in a multi-layer and multi- perspective approach All experienced new insights All felt the need to continue elaboration in a cooperative setting
Multiplicity of potential connections and perspectives: some connections/perceptions could not be embraced discussion was not easy to focus Participation somewhat dominated by actors in education: Research was not discussed everywhere Users view not heard enough Innovation and creativity only implicitly addressed Through multiple perspectives and novel focal topics But creating environments conducive for innovation and creativity calls for further commitment ICT not capitalized upon enough Need to systematize the richness of experiences and ideas elicited by the wshs in order to move the discussion further
Efforts are already underway: To use data in taking policy decisions, Recognition of human capital as driving force for regional development Participation of increasing diversity of stakeholders Reaching out has started from all sides, all parties Developments have diverse motivators : initiated by innovative partnerships at local level Initiated by comprehensive strategic approaches Joint projects Private/public partnerships Institutional reforms (TVET) Developments have various approaches – need to collect and analyse Islands of excellence: business incubators (CRO, MAC) Regional Centre for entrepreneurship learning Zagreb ICT: VET sector Romania working with industry on the basis of a real private-partnership TVET under PHARE LLL Yet there are substantial deficits: in capacity to absorb and use information, weak links between policy makers, practitioners and researchers, governments and civil society
Culture of cooperation, culture of evidence – based decision making (social capital) Innovation-friendly management procedures of administration - need for easing up bureaucratic/administrative procedures for creativity and innovation to spur Lack of broader institutional partnerships (cross-sectorial, geographic, with civil society) Lack of relevant institutions (e.g. adult education providers) Lack of framework (legal and financial) Lack of financial investement into education and research, lack of flexible budgetng procedures High quality regional research relevant for human capital development (bridging the gap between international and national research) Lack of valid meta-analysis of existing research in the region
Developing human capital calls for future thinking - obligation to mobilize and empower all instruments for this, stress policy over politics Listening to stakeholders in policy making, using education, science and research as active measures for human capital development Cooperating with civil society in policy making Creating comprehensive instruments for stakeholder participation and ownership: In generating evidence In institutional development Local and regional development National policy-making Developing vison of future Taking into account PEOPLE Students Workers Business Employers Parents Taking into account relevant global trends based on evidence
Situating and mobilising research in the new context as relevant partner for development: Bridging language gap between researchers, policy makers, and business Making meaningful connections between research and education: Bringing research into everyday school practice Bringing education into research priorities Teaching through research Researching through teaching Better use of EU funds and EU programs (FP7) to link research and education development Capacity building and combating brain drain, Teacher training still on the list, but new priority areas: using evidence, interpreting research, seeking partnership
Exchanging experience, ensuring peer learning and developing joint best practice Making existing experience visible and disseminate it Fostering the exchange of experience in SEE Create mechanisms for sustainable cooperation and dialogue Fostering cross border regional development Addressing common challenges together as a region - regional policies? (SD, RD, ) Raising the academic attractiveness of policy research as a field of scientific research. Regional common benchmarks/indicators Foster mobility of students, researchers Create collaboration forums as a platform for cooperation between labor market and education Use existing networks, e.g. Task Force to lobby at national, regional at EU level; ERI SEE, SEE- ERA.NET capacity building
Based on impressionsBased on evidence low quality high quality 20 Which path?
Social benefits Personal benefits RESEARCH SCHOOL Development Policies Agencies Enterpris es
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