Business and money Palwinder singh
What is business? Business is something that has to do with money and trading and sell or buying items. importing and exporting goods and make money thought out the world
Business history Business all ways been around since the first people were around. At first people traveled all over the world to trade, sell and buy different kinds of items.
Business in 1800s Before civil war business was different between north and south. In the north people had factories so it was easy for them to make goods and export them to other countries and make money. In the south it was different they didn’t had no technology so they deepened on framing. So they grow different kind of foods and exported them to other countries.
Business in 1900s In the early1900s after world war 1 America became one of most country in the world because of it army and main reason was its economy's. after ww1 America is the one exporting and importing good from countries and making more money then other countries.
the great depression In the beginning of 1930 the stock market crushed and businesses went out of business. America lost their money and the dollar value went down and America was In its worse time yet
The effects of the depression Because of depression the people lost their homes and became homeless and the lost their live saving in the banks and lost their jobs