Mrs. Allen 5th grade Silver Creek Elementary Welcome to Parent Information Night/Open House!
Language Arts ‘Making Meaning’ – We will be piloting a new reading program that teaches reading strategies and allows students to put the skills to use in reading material of their own choosing. English – Shurley English covers English and writing. Students will not have a textbook for English. Students will be assessed after each Unit.
Language Arts continued Vocabulary: Word Explorer. Students will be introduced to a new set of words each week and complete activities and exercises throughout the week in class. Assessments will occur after each unit. Home Reading - 20 minutes of independent reading nightly is encouraged. Reading outside of class counts toward reading incentives –Raging Rivers, Six Flags, etc…
Math My Math – Online and Textbook orientated. Students will be assessed after each chapter. Flyers will be sent home for students to access My Math online if they forget their textbook. Time will be given in class to start homework. Students will be using XtraMath to work on their basic facts. This is an online program students can use in class and at home. Xtramath directly relates to a standard on the report card. Instructions will be sent home explaining how to sign up for Xtramath.
Science & Social Studies Mrs. Allen teaches Science Mr. Schrage teaches Social Studies. Projects, hands-on activities, and assignments will account for the majority of the assessments.
Homework/Take Home Folder All daily work/homework is written in the student agendas each afternoon. Homework will also be posted on the classroom blog. Please check the agenda each evening with your child to promote good study habits and make sure assignments have been completed and returned to the take-home folder. This helps minimize missing and late assignments. Missing work will result in a homework alert being sent home and a portion of recess being lost for that day to complete the assignment with the teacher’s help.
Student Progress If at anytime during the quarter a student demonstrates poor academic performance or behavior, parents will be notified. Report cards will be sent home for all students each academic quarter. Triad will continue to use the Standards Based Report Card.
Specials Specialists for our class this year include: Mrs. Stevens - Music Wednesday Mrs. Ellis - Art Friday Mr. Hunt - P.E. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
Diana Day Vision Management Plan includes: Promise/Goal Statements Student expectations Refocus/Buddy Room/ Office Referral
Snacks Due to our late lunch time, snacks are permitted. We will all eat our snack at a designated time each morning. Please help your child make a wise/healthy snack choice. Save sugary foods for celebrations. Snacks should help focus and concentration to get us through to lunch.
Birthdays/Class Parties Students are allowed to bring something to share with the class. Please consider a healthy option if a food item is to be brought in. Summer birthdays can be celebrated at the end of the year. All treats for the classroom will need to be prepackaged. Invitations to parties are not allowed to be passed out at school. A classroom directory will not be sent home. Teachers will be conducting the classroom parties across the grade level.
Contact Information Call me with any questions or concerns: for the school secretary and my extension (x.5226) or me at Please contact the school secretary if you need immediate assistance or to pass a message onto your child. My extension is simply a voice mailbox and will not ring into the classroom.
Please Remember…… Go over the Parent/Student Handbook with your child, sign it, and return it. Please Complete the Parent Teacher Contact Form and the student information page
Thanks for coming! I look forward to a great year!