Grade 5 Parent Information Night Mrs. Darcy Gehen ELA (Rdg.) and Soc. St. Phone: Ext Mrs. Heidi Gleason Math and Science Phone: Ext Mrs. Angela Luther Special Education Phone: Ext. 4150
MORNING ROTATIONS Specials (Daily) 9:10-9:57 Time Group 10:05-11:0511:05-12:05LUNCH GEHEN Math (Luther) ELA (Luther)12:28 GLEASON Reading Math12:28 AFTERNOON ROTATIONS (Daily) 1:00 – 2:30 Time Group 1:00-1:45Science/Social St./Spelling (Gehen)Guided Reading/Writing (Gleason) 1:45-2:30Guided Reading (Gleason)Science/Soc. St./Spelling (Gehen) Monday – Friday 2:35-3:10 M – Band/Orchestra Study Hall T – Study Hall W – Study Hall Th. – Chorus Study Hall F – Band Study Hall
Weekly Specials GLEASON Monday Phys. Ed. Tuesday Art Wednesday Phys. Ed. Thursday Music Friday Library GEHEN Monday Music Tuesday Phys. Ed. Wednesday Art Thursday Library Friday Phys. Ed.
Agendas Your child has been provided with an agenda that will be used on a daily basis for the following: Recording homework assignments Parent/Teacher communication Bathroom sign-out Please sign your child's agenda each night to ensure that it is being used effectively.
Homework Every week night and occasional weekends Approximately 50 minutes (if more than an hour, contact teacher) Serves as review and reinforcement of skills and content taught each day Reading every night for 30 minutes (Mon.- Thurs.) 10 min. of IXL Math Homework (Mon.-Thurs.) 10 min. to study Mult. Facts/Spelling Check homework at: Click on School – Big Tree Click on Teacher – Gehen or Gleason
Birthdays Tree nut and gluten allergies Please provide labels for all treats Summer birthdays celebrated in May and June
Character Education “Creating Bucket Fillers” To teach students to become bucket fillers and not bucket dippers Bucket fillers are kind, generous, and considerate Bucket dippers are rude, mean, and selfish Put others’ feelings ahead of their own Decrease the incidence of bullying Take responsibility for their actions Help to create a safe, warm, and caring environment
The Curriculum Based on the NYS Common Core Standards Differentiated to meet all students’ needs Writing Intensive Driven by skill development Emphasizes Problem-Solving and Logical Thinking Prepares students for higher education Actively engages students in learning Focuses on developing understandings of key concepts to ensure transfer of knowledge
English Language Arts LEAD 21 Mix of fiction and nonfiction to support interdisciplinary themes related to Science, Social Studies, and the Humanities. Online support/practice Research based inquiry projects/essays Literature based Small Group/Guided Reading materials provided at appropriate instructional level StoryWorks classroom magazine Monthly Independent Reading/Accelerated Reader (AR) Integrated Spelling/Vocabulary Writing Intensive- Focused on 3 main types of writing: Persuasive, Narrative, and Informative 5th Grade NYS ELA test given April 5-7, 2016
Reading Homework Read for at least 30 minutes each night Monday-Thursday. Story Works articles are available online via link on Mrs. Gehen’s webpage. Book should be an appropriate read- should be fluent. Complete Notice and Note Log or short entry in Reading Diary that uses the C E E C format once/twice a week.
First sentence includes title, author, and pages read. Second sentence is a claim that answers the prompt. Third and fourth sentences are text based evidence sentences that support the claim. Fifth sentence is a conclusion. Reading Diary Entry
Mathematics State Assessment April 13-15, 2016 NYS Common Core Standards Math in Focus IXL Online Math Homework Weekly Multiplication Facts Drills
Social Studies Comparative study Canada, the USA and Latin America Focus on geography, history, culture, and economy Strategies Practiced: -Content area reading strategies -Test taking skills -Memory Strategies
Science Exploration of the Scientific Method Inquiry and problem solving Hands-on Exploration and Experimentation Journal Keeping Systems Analysis Mealworms Electromagnetism Ecosystems and Ecology Integration of Mathematics, Language Arts, and Technology
Health Correlated to National Health Standards and NYS Health Education Standards Skills include: Communication Planning and goal setting Decision making Stress management Refusal skills Assessing information Healthful behaviors Maintenance of body systems Memory Strategies and Study Skills Life Skills – WNY United Growing up VIDEO
Your Child’s School Success Depends on: Positive Parent/Teacher communication Organization Effective Study Habits Positive Attitude Compassion, Comfort, and Confidence Support in and out of school