20 Ways to Succeed in College 1. Go to class... and participate. Professors test on what is discussed in class as well as grade for attendance and participation. Don't abuse your new freedom. Being there is your responsibility. 2. Find and get to know one individual on campus who knows you are here and cares about your survival. Try your advisor, a professor, a club sponsor, someone in residence life. 3. Learn what helping resources your campus offers, where they are located, and what their hours are.
20 Ways to Succeed in College 4. Understand why you are in college. Your college experience will be much more productive if you can identify specific goals you wish to accomplish. 5. Set up a daily and weekly schedule and stick to them. You'd be surprised how much more time in the day there is, once you plan it all out. Make a semester schedule, too, with important due dates for all of your classes. 6. If you are attending classes full time, try not to work more than hours per week. Most students begin a downhill slide in their quality of learning beyond 15 hours. Don't be one of them!
20 Ways to Succeed in College 7. Assess and improve your study habits. Often, it is the students who had the easiest time in high school who have the hardest time in college. They never learned how to study! 8. Encourage teachers to involve you in the learning process. Attend classes, actively participate, and take advantage of office hours/appointments to meet with your professors individually. You'll learn more easily and enjoyably, and you'll feel like the professor notices your efforts. 9. Know how to use the campus library! 10. Improve your writing.
20 Ways to Succeed in College 10. Develop critical thinking skills. Always challenge yourself on the "why" of the material. Why is it important? Why is it believable? This will help you make wise, thought out decisions in other areas of your life. 12. Visit the Academic Advisor. Your grades, major, and career plans are part of one interrelated process. 13. Make one or two close friends among your peers. That way, you can take some of this big, new social life with you after graduation, and they'll share your most important memories.
20 Ways to Succeed in College 14.Learn to be assertive. It's never too late to learn how to stand up for your rights in a way that respects the rights of others. 15.Get involved! 16.Take your health seriously. How much sleep you get, what you eat, whether you exercise, and the kinds of decisions you make about drugs, alcohol all contribute to the way you feel. Get in the habit of being good to yourself, and you'll be a happier person... and a more successful student.
20 Ways to Succeed in College 17.Learn how to manage stress. College can be very stressful-minimize the impact on your peace of mind. 18.Remember that you are not alone. Many other students are facing the same uncertainties and worries that you now face. Find strength in numbers by talking about it and supporting each other. 19.Learn to appreciate yourself. 20.Try to have realistic expectations. At first you may not make the grades you made in high school. Improvement comes with new skills and practice. (This goes for your social life too. College can feel very lonely in the beginning, but time will allow you to build a new set of friends and interests!)
10 Suggestions for Success in Mathematics 1. GO TO EACH AND EVERY CLASS!!!! It's the most important first step. 2. STAY CURRENT AND REVIEW: Have a LOOK at your text; PRINT and READ lecture notes BEFORE the lecture, so that you have an idea about what is to be covered during the lecture, to identify the difficult topics, concepts and procedures (and be wide awake when these are explained!) so that you don't fall behind - cramming doesn't work in mathematics because each class builds on the previous one
3. LISTEN carefully DURING THE LECTURES AND LABS. 4. ASK when you think you do not understand a topic, concept or procedure: ASK during the lecture, ASK during your professor's office hours, ASK in your professor's office by making an appointment, ASK in the corridors or whenever you see your professor, ASK your fellow students. AND MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL ASK YOURSELF.
5. REVIEW the material taught daily, RIGHT AFTER THE LECTURE. Read your text and lecture notes again. Make sure you understand all the new concepts and procedures. Solve all the assigned problems and more. Immediately ask the instructor questions about the problems you could not solve. 6. DO your homework. Practice for tests.
7. IDENTIFY THE PROBLEMS CORRECTLY: Ask yourself the following: What is the information given in this problem? What is known? What is unknown? What do I need to know? What is asked for (required)? What are the tools that may be used to reach the required result from the given information? Which one of the tools is the best to use under the conditions of this problem? Practice thinking about mathematics and solving problems.
8. WORK on a daily basis. ALWAYS BE PREPARED for the quizzes and tests. 9. NEVER leave studying to the last day(s) before a test or a quiz. 10.ALWAYS make sure you GET A GOOD SLEEP especially before examinations.