Arabic Numerals and The Number Zero Done By: Simran Lakhani UNIT 4 7MKR.


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Presentation transcript:

Arabic Numerals and The Number Zero Done By: Simran Lakhani UNIT 4 7MKR

Historical Facts Zero is a very strange number. It is not a positive or a negative number. Zero is the only number which is known with so many names including naught, nil, zilch and zip. The Greek word for zero is μηδεν, read as ‘meden‘. Zero has two meanings. It can be a number in its own right or the other meaning of zero is as a place holder.

About The Number Zero Zero is a number used in math to describe that there is nothing left for example: when there are 2 apples on the table and we take away the 2 apples, we can say that there are zero apples on the table. The number zero is not a positive number and not a negative number. Zero was not used very often, and the funny thing about its creation is the fact that it was created three different times by three different sets of people. The first time zero was invented was during the third century BC by the Babylonian empire. The second time it was in India, made by Brahmagupta, a Hindu mathematician. The last time it was inverted was by the Europeans.

Introduction of Zero to Europe!! The use of Arabic numerals spread around the world through European trade, books and colonialism. Today they are the most common symbolic representation of numbers in the world. The reason the digits are more commonly known as "Arabic numerals" in Europe and the Americas is that they were introduced to Europe in the 10th century by Arabic-speakers of North Africa, who were then using the digits from Libya to Morocco. Europeans did not know about the numerals' origins in ancient India, so they named them "Arabic numerals".

How Does the Number Zero Effect Math!!! Zero fits the definition of "even number“. Zero shares all the properties that characterize even numbers: 0 is divisible by 2, 0 is surrounded on both sides by odd numbers. Since definitions can change, another approach is to set them aside and consider how zero fits into the patterns formed by other even numbers. To round to the nearest ten, you drop all digits to the right of the tens place, replacing them with zero, so that you are left with a multiple of 10. Then you check to see whether your original number is actually nearer to the next multiple of 10, by checking whether the next digit (the leftmost one you dropped) was 5 or more. What all this means is that if we did not have the number zero then doing math would be very hard.

About Arabic Numerals They were developed in India by the Hindus around 600 A.D. Interestingly, these numbers were written "backwards", like one hundred twenty three was written 321. In English, the term Arabic numerals can be ambiguous. It most commonly refers to the numeral system widely used in Europe and the Americas. Arabic numerals is the conventional name for the entire family of related systems of Arabic and Indian numerals. It may also be intended to mean the numerals used by Arabs, in which case it generally refers to the Eastern Arabic numerals.

Summery In this PowerPoint I have talked about The Number Zero and the Arabic Numerals. This was a fun but hard unit and I learnt a lot: I learnt how to use slide master and a lot about zero and the Arabic Numeral. I hope you enjoyed my PowerPoint and maybe even learnt something about the topic. Thank you for listening! !

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