SED - Rate Setting Unit Click to Proceed Related Services Efficiency Rate Setting Unit Training PowerPoint April 16, 2007
SED - Rate Setting UnitClick to Proceed RS Introduction A student with a disability's school day may include related services whose delivery details are reported on the form SED-4 which is included in the Consolidated Fiscal Report (CFR) submitted after the school year. SED must ensure that students are receiving the appropriate level of related services mandated by their IEP and that the schools have the staffing capacity to provide those services.
SED - Rate Setting UnitClick to Proceed RS Introduction The RS Template combines information from the SED-4 and the staffing reported on the CFR-4 & 4A. The goal of the template is to show: The utilization of capacity % for each discipline, The compliance % with IEP mandates, Staff required if providing mandated services at 100% and 80% levels to be used as a gauge in measuring efficiency.
SED - Rate Setting UnitClick to Proceed Related Services Efficiency (RSE) Template
SED - Rate Setting UnitClick to Proceed RSE Template Details Items 1 – 9 capture the number of half hour sessions available for each discipline based on the number of days the school operates, length of the day and the staff FTE for individual and group sessions. Item 10 is the IEP mandated sessions totaled for all students. The RS-2 form should be used to track each student’s need for RS as mandated on the IEP.
SED - Rate Setting UnitClick to Proceed RSE Template Details Item 11 is the number of sessions provided totaled for all students. The RS-2 form should be used to track the number of related services provided both in group and individually. You may request each year’s RS-1 & 2 forms and instructions by contacting Rateweb. Rateweb The RS-2 form also provides a method to capture sessions not provided and to provide the reasons why such sessions were not provided. Reimbursement for RS is included in the tuition rate, thus it is an enrollment based payment. Accordingly, attempts must be made to “make-up” missed sessions and to document those sessions.
SED - Rate Setting UnitClick to Proceed RS-2 Schedule
SED - Rate Setting UnitClick to Proceed Percentages Line 12 UTILIZATION PERCENTAGE FOR THIS DISCIPLINE This percentage reflects the use of the staff assigned to related services and provides important information relating to: Whether a program has the ability to provide more services with current staff? Whether a program is fully utilizing staff and if not, i.e. if the percentage is low, than what may be the circumstances or reasons for not maximizing staff? Line 13 COMPLIANCE WITH IEP MANDATES PERCENTAGE This percentage shows how much of the mandated sessions are being provided and provides important information relating to: Whether students are receiving their required sessions? If the percentage is low what are the causes for this? Whether students receive more than what is mandated on the IEP and what are the reasons? The utilization % for mandated services is in excess of 100% because staff provides more than the minimum required.
SED - Rate Setting UnitClick to Proceed Percentages This shows a range in which to assess the FTE therapy needs of the program while meeting the student’s IEP mandates; Mandated hours of service each therapist can provide per the formula: Mandated hours of service ÷ possible hours per full time therapist: A benchmark measurement of 80 to 100% is used as a gauge to whether related services are provided efficiently. Other conditions may affect the percentage as documented on the RS-2 such as medically fragile students, excessive absenteeism, multiple sites, crisis interventions, equipment malfunctions or attendance to CPSE meetings.
SED - Rate Setting UnitClick to Proceed Schedule SED-4
SED - Rate Setting UnitClick to Proceed SED-4 The concept of this form is to indicate: Capacity - For your related services staff, how much service can they provide? (Employees and contractual staff) Mandated Sessions - Calculate the need for related services per student IEP’s. Productivity - What is the total number of sessions actually provided, and what is the percentage of those sessions to what you could provide? (session provided/capacity) This is your efficiency rating, i.e. how much staff is actually working towards the goals and providing the services. RSU wants to ensure that students are receiving their RS in accordance with the IEP and that staff is being fully utilized.
SED - Rate Setting UnitClick to Proceed RS Summary Related Services is a large percentage of instructional delivery. Depending on the year it can be anywhere around 20% to 25% of special education salaries. If you have questions or concerns please contact your Regional Associate to discuss service delivery or your assigned accountant to discuss reporting requirements.