Short Breaks, Opportunities and Moving Forward Christine Lenehan, Director, Council for Disabled Children
Highlight key aspects of the SEND reforms Look at some key opportunities for short breaks services Outline the CDC role on short breaks This presentation will ;
Children, young people and parents at the centre of decision making Supporting children, young people and parents to participate A focus on achieving the best possible outcomes The Children and Families Act-Driving cultural change
Building on key elements of practice The Act reinforces parental participation and expands and extends on the key engagement of Children and Young people So……. Are you already working with your local Parent Carer Forum ? Do they understand your short breaks offer? Do you know how children and young people are engaged directly locally ? Do you have a direct input to this ?
Education, training and social care provision to be kept under review Promoting integration and joint commissioning arrangements Cooperation across services and institutions Joint working across agencies
Using Wider Changes The Act introduces a new joint commissioning arrangement building on the system So ……………. Can you locate your JSNA What does it say about the children you serve Have you additional evidence you can add ? Do you know who commissions your local health services? Are you aware of your local Health Watch ?
Information on education, health and care a local authority expects to be available Children, young people and parents/carers must be involved Review and revise commissioning in light of comments received on the local offer Local offer
Taking up the Opportunities the Act presents Local Offer Direct link with short breaks duty, are you confident link is there and What else is in the local offer that supports your short break practice? Don’t forget links with the eligibility criteria etc How will you influence change ?
Duty on local authorities to provide information, advice and support Should be jointly commissioned and cover education, health and social care Services extended to disabled children and young people and those with SEN Information and advice
To be drawn up within 20 weeks Person centred with a focus on outcomes Include education, health and social care Extend beyond school, potentially up to 25 Personal budgets included EHC plans - key features
Taking up the Opportunities the Act presents Personal Budgets How does this build on the work you are already doing How can you use your knowledge base as an opportunity to support implementation
Duty to secure the education and health provision specified in an EHC plan Stronger duties in relation to social care Must include particular sections (see Code) but no national template Content of EHC plans
On behalf of DFE, CDC working with ADCS, LGA and local authorities to develop a Practical Implementation Toolkit for Social Care Currently in development Builds on best practice already in place Links requirements of Children and Families Act with Working Together Will be updated as case law changes Supporting Implementation
Understanding the CSDPA What is SEN in social care Leading and contributing to reviews/plans Understanding shared outcomes, shared resources Links with safeguarding Understanding the map Addressing key anxieties
Key principles for working with families Understanding the strategic framework Materials to support frontline practice for managers to work with teams Tools for workforce development, briefings etc Helpful resources What does it contain ?
A:Aspirations & steps towards outcomes B: Special educational needs F: Special educational provision Health care needs C: Health care needs Special educational needs D: Social care needs Longer into the future End of phase or stage 2 or 3 years Steps towards the outcomes Special educational provision E: Outcomes* Health care provision G: Health care provision H1: Social care provision (CSDPA 1970) H2: Social care provision (any other) Targets # # EHC plan should specify the arrangements for setting shorter term targets at school, service or institutional level. * For young people over 17, the education and training outcomes need to be separately identified. & steps towards outcomes
A:Aspirations B: Special educational needs F:Special educational provision C: Health care needs D: Social care needs Longer into the future End of phase or stage 2 or 3 years Steps towards the outcomes E: Outcomes* G: Health care provision H1: Social care provision (CSDPA 1970) H2: Other social care provision Start here To be more independent To have friends To get a job Improved social interaction and awareness Able to work in small groups Be able to complete simple activities independently Hard to form friendships or work with others Difficulty in coping with new routines Develop friendships Socially isolated, social communication difficulties Youth club and short break group activities Better emotional regulation, reduce challenging behaviour Challenging behaviour including self harm CAMHS – one, 1 hour session per week Problems with conduct in relating to other children Develop awareness of appropriate social behaviour Targets # At school level, develop a timetable with Owen, by December TAs to be trained in appropriate playground activities All staff to use strategies advised by Autism Outreach Service Support from staff experienced in support pupils with ASD Targets # Feel comfortable with new environment Attend activities in the community Inability to concentrate for sustained periods Attend new secondary school 2 afternoons per week accompanied by TA Support to access community activities Owen and his parents identified three outcomes they wanted. To simplify the pyramid just one is selected here. The other two were: Improved communication skills Improved life skills & steps towards outcomes
And …. This is an opportunity to…. Keep short breaks on the agenda Position them effectively if we ….. Are clear on partnerships Use evidence effectively Understand Outcomes
By ensuring key resources remain available By ensuring you have access to the best information By ensuring we continue to champion short breaks Ensure you keep up to date with plans and information by ing How will CDC help in the future ??