Children’s Trust Network 19 October 2011 Developments in Safeguarding Anthony May Corporate Director for Children, Families and Cultural Services
Where we have come from A new Children’s Department in 2006 A successful JAR in 2008 An unprecedented rise in workload during 2009 and 2010 – services which lacked resilience A poor Unannounced Inspection in 2009 An inadequate full inspection in 2010 A DfE Improvement Notice
What we have done about it High level improvement programme – independently led: –New vision and mission for social care –More social workers and support workers –New thresholds and improved partnership working –Restructure of front end services –New quality assurance and performance management regimes –Engaged wide range of external support and challenge Significant financial investment: –£25 million over two years (£22.6 million is permanent): –Staff – front line and support –Placements –Legal costs –New improvement/ quality assurance team A human resource strategy: –Staff development and training –Communication and engagement –Working conditions and arrangements –Culture
Where are we now? A focus on leadership, accountability and sustainability Partnership-wide thresholds guidance – Pathway to Provision Recruitment to provide additional capacity and a more stable workforce Improvements in timeliness and quality of assessments An embedded “Quality Management Framework” Wave one transformation projects underway Improved partnership working Integrated approaches for: –early intervention; –targeted youth support; –child poverty; and –young carers.
How do we know we’re improving? Quantitative data has improved Quality systems confirm improvement External audit support this view The staff are telling us Our partners are telling us We’ve had two successful DfE reviews We’ve had a successful unannounced Ofsted inspection We’ve had a successful Peer Challenge We’ve had a successful Ofsted reinspection of safeguarding services Our Ofsted Children’s Services Assessment for 2011 will see an improvement in our rating.
Ofsted safeguarding reinspection Key Findings The overall effectiveness of services in Nottinghamshire in ensuring children are safe is adequate (grade 3) The capacity for improvement is good (grade 2) “In a relatively short period of time the local authority, and the full range of partners, have made significant progress in understanding and improving safeguarding services within the county. Senior managers within the local authority, and at the highest level from across partner agencies, have a shared understanding of the effectiveness of safeguarding services.” “Effective plans are in place to continue with service improvement reflected in the Safeguarding Improvement Plan, the Nottinghamshire Children, Young People and Families Plan and the NSCB Business Plan.” “Appropriate action is taken by partners and children’s social care to safeguard children. The quality of provision has improved but as yet remains inconsistent. However, performance management and quality assurance have been a significant driver to date and are a good basis for continuing improvements.”
Ofsted safeguarding reinspection “areas for improvement” Improve quality and consistency of assessments –Assessment & Care planning training programme in place for all front line staff and first line managers –Reflective practice action learning being commissioned for 1 st line managers –Quality management framework revised in October 2011 to improve monitoring of quality Reduce the number of inappropriate referrals to children’s social care –Introduction of common referral form (Autumn 2011) –Revised Pathway to Provision with improved step up and step down processes, published in November 2011 –Ongoing audit of inappropriate contacts and re-referrals to Children's Social Care
Ofsted safeguarding reinspection “areas for improvement” Reduce the Number of Children subject to both Safeguarding and Looked After Plans –IRO & CPC project underway, clear policy of “One child one plan” implemented October 2011, completion December 2011 Improve the strategic lead and challenge functions of the LADO –October 2012 implement an action plan to strengthen the strategic role of the LADO and improve contact with hard to reach communities and faith groups. Improve managers awareness of commissioned services and effective commissioning –Implement a commissioning good practice programme for Group managers (November 2011)
Ofsted safeguarding reinspection “areas for improvement” Increase the use of the CAF as early intervention tool –Use the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub programme October 2011 (ongoing) to review the effectiveness of current CAF use and Joint Access team & early intervention processes – strong engagement with Children’s Trust –Re launch Pathway to Provision handbook in November 2011 –Introduction of seven new “Early Intervention District Manager” posts to support the development of district based early intervention services Provide a Management Development Programme for First Line Managers –Supervision skills training Care planning and assessment skill training already established. Reflective practice learning currently being commissioned –Full team manager development programme to be implemented in 2012
Initial Assessments
Core Assessments
Child Protection Reviews
What are the challenges we face? Quality of core assessments Continue to reduce re-referrals Ensuring a focus on outcomes Workforce development and workload management Dealing with increasing numbers of child protection plans and LAC – further £6 million in provisional budget for next two years Transforming services whilst maintaining an improvement trajectory
Where are we going next? Ofsted Action Plan – to tackle the identified areas for improvement Transformation programme (May 2011 – April 2013) –Whole service review – within an integrated context –Short term (Wave 1 projects underway) –New service operating model ready for consultation – October 2011: MASH; Locality approach; Supported by specialist and county-wide functions Transfer of governance - Improvement Board to NSCB –Shadow arrangements from April 2011 –Any outstanding actions from the Improvement Notice –Six monthly review of completed priorities Complete recruitment of new staff