Understanding the SEN Review in Somerset
Somerset Compact Somerset Compact is a collaboration between all schools in Somerset - irrespective of their status - and the Local Authority, set up as a framework to shape services for children and young people in Somerset The aim is to provide high quality education for all children and young people in Somerset by being the main body for consulting on, shaping and directing policies and service provision in relation to education provision.
The Compact Commitment The Compact aims to ensure access to high quality education for ALL children and young people in Somerset and is committed to: Seeking to understand the outcomes and needs of all children and young people in Somerset; Leading the shaping of provision to meet identified and individual needs and oversee effective and responsive quality assurance of services; Encouraging the development of school-to-school collaboration to improve outcomes; Ensuring effective process for support and challenge where outcomes for children and young people are at risk and signal where intervention may be appropriate; Maximising efficiency and value for money in service delivery to meet children’s needs; Ensuring opportunities for leadership, continuous professional development and staff development are at the heart of school improvement for staff at all levels.
Compact led Service Reviews A programme of service reviews is currently being overseen by the Compact Executive to ensure that, ‘we are making best use of our resources and securing the best possible services for children and young people in Somerset’. Some reviews are entirely Compact led, others are SCC led with input from the Compact.
Compact led Service Reviews Alternative Provision (Pupil Referral Units) Early Intervention Services Early Years and School Improvement Vulnerable Learners SEN Services Admissions and Somerset Fair Access ProtocolSomerset Fair Access Protocol
SEN Service Review Lead Officer: Mike Turner
SEN Consultations In the period October to January 2011, Schools and Early Years settings were asked to give their views on Special Educational Needs services across Somerset. In the period of December –February, young people were consulted.
External challenge and support to Somerset Review of SEN Regan Delf, an Independent SEN Consultant undertook a review in December 2011/January 2012 Parents in focus group were all exceptionally negative about all aspects of the SEN system as operated by the LA – lots of anger and distress (caveat – nationally, parents tend to be disenchanted with SEN systems)
May 2012 – Parent Focus Groups identified and consulted to: Review the provision of SEN Support Services in Somerset, in order to ensure we are providing the best services possible to children and young people in Somerset, particularly the most vulnerable. The review is taking place within the context of the Local Authority’s stated aims become a smaller, more agile organisation. Why we are talking to parents? We want to make sure that we take full account of parental views in planning future SEN services and how they are delivered
How will the information collected be used? To inform future planning of SEN Service delivery To use the information to set out a revised set of working principles guiding how Support Services work with you and your child in the future. To share the information collected with Parent Partnership Service so that they can use it to inform their future discussions with other agencies (e.g. Health and Children’s Social Care) How will we feedback to you? We will publish summaries of the analysis on the Local Authority website, and Parent Partnership Service websites. We will Parent Partnership Service to publicise analysis through their networks of parent groups.
What differences you will see Services that are better tuned in to parental wishes and aspirations Clearer measures to show that we have made a positive difference and that your child is achieving the outcomes s/he should.
Somerset Parent Partnership Service Contact us: Telephone: Website: