Forest of Dean Core Strategy The root of the Local Development Framework 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Forest of Dean Core Strategy The root of the Local Development Framework 1

What is it? Where does it sit in terms of policy documents? What is its impact? How is it different to the old Local Plan? What does it say and for what period? How does it fit in with other policy work? 2

Area Action Plans Cinderford Northern Quarter now adopted Lydney in preparation Neighbourhood planning Allocations DPD first consultation April 2012 The new Local Plan or LDF 3

What is it? Key/ foundation Part of the new Development Plan Sets the overall strategy for period to 2026 Answers the question what should the District be like in 2026? [What are the changes necessary to achieve this and why, how will they be brought about?]. WHAT WHY HOW 4

Where does it sit in terms of policy documents? There will always be an element of national policy, although it may be lighter it’s still there in the draft NPPF ( ?) protect the countryside, provide for the housing and employment needs of the community. The regional and County tier is (almost) no more The District therefore has both a strategic and a detail input into planning policy- The CS provides the structure below the national principles. Other planning documents add to this but within the CS. 5

What is its impact- on FoDDC? It’s a basis for planning, not just DM (ie future DPDs). However much of the change needed will occur via planning applications whether refused or permitted. Much of the old Local Plan ceases to exist- but the maps do not yet as they are used in the interim to implement the CS. The policies in the CS enable development, and facilitate change eg the Cinderford NQAAP The policies require more assessment of impacts of development, and fit to strategy, and their overall sustainability 6

How is it different to the old Local Plan? Intended to make a difference- vision Meant to be more deliverable A stronger evidence base CS is the general half of the LP Can be reviewed more easily Broader than just land use policies Stronger links to other plans eg Community plan 7

What does it say and for what period? Strong spatial element, greater emphasis on sustainable development. not meant to contain all policies that will ever be owned by Local Authority – the LDF will build up to this but the CS is the root of them all. End date is 2026, but with reviews- whole or part when needed (some LAs on second already) Policies and sustainable development table (5.2) and the settlement table (7.4). Whole content is read in conjunction with national guidance. 9 general policies, 6 settlement policies and 1 monitoring 8

CSP 1 Wide principles and specific DM style material. It’s about assessing the impact of development. It should be applied to all development proposals, and encourages a positive impact. It requires good quality evidence from applicants, and judgements from all in relation to the impacts. It expects development to make a positive contribution. The policy the likes of which is found in many CSs requires positive outcomes. 9

CSP 1- Design, environmental protection and enhancement (strategic objective: providing quality environments) The design and construction of new development must take into account important characteristics of the environment and conserve, preserve or otherwise respect them in a manner that maintains or enhances their contribution to the environment, including their wider context. New development should demonstrate an efficient use of resources. [Technical compliance material and environmental tests] 10

CSP2- Climate Change Adaptation The Core Strategy is required to take a lead on climate change- here by ensuring that new development has a positive impact. (NB SUDs, solar gain, use of water, biodiversity) Proposals for development will be required to demonstrate that their design and layout will reduce the impacts of climatic change as identified in national, regional and local predictions over the lifetime of the development concerned. 11

CSP 3- Sustainable Energy within Development Proposals In line with other national and other local policies new development must show on site renewable energy provision. This may be “offset” by greater efficiency of the design itself. All major developments and other developments involving the construction of one of more dwelling(s) will be expected to provide, as a minimum, sufficient on-site renewable energy to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from energy use by 10%. The proportion will increase to 15% from 2015 and 20% from

CSP 4- development at settlements New development must contribute to reinforcing the existing settlement pattern in a manner which emphasises the importance of the towns, especially Lydney and Cinderford where most change will take place. Most changes in towns and villages will be expected to take place within the existing settlement boundaries, unless or until they are replaced by other LDF documents (for example an Area Action Plan). Exceptions to this may include affordable housing for local persons and building conversions and (rarely) new buildings for employment uses on the edge of settlements. Areas outside settlement boundaries unless otherwise shown in the Key Diagram will be treated as part of the open countryside. 13

CSP5- Housing Main policy sets out housing numbers the locations and principles of affordable housing- close tie to settlement hierarchy. Housing in keeping with the needs of the local community and including affordable housing will be provided as described below: The housing numbers follow all are tied to the strategy, and the present pattern of commitments. Use of land within existing settlements is expected Affordable housing is sought (site size thresholds now tighter still up to 40%) Exceptions sites as before but with some scope for small schemes at settlements without DSBs. [main points of policy above] 14

CSP 6 Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople Policy to provide sites either by allocation or permission to meet identified needs Sites will be provided for Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople according to needs identified within the district. Allocations will be made to reflect any identified need for sites in particular parts of the district with preference given to locations near or in the towns and larger villages. 15

CSP 7- Economy Economy- promotional within certain limits- note slight flexibility re location Economic development will be promoted throughout the district in accordance with the spatial strategy and its allocations. Encourage new and more diverse types of employment and supporting infrastructure to be established by making land and premises available. The location of new development must be justifiable in terms of the settlement hierarchy and policy CSP 4 Land presently used for employment will be expected to remain so, unless allocated for another purpose. In order to encourage this, a range of employment generating uses appropriate to each site will be considered favourably. 16

CSP8 Community facilities Safeguard for community facilities Development proposals which involve the loss of community facilities, including schools, shops, post offices, public houses, halls, places of worship, health services, will not be permitted unless alternative suitable and convenient facilities are available or will be made available as part of the proposal. [For exceptions Lack of need and viability are required to be examined.] Where development proposals comprise or include improvements to community facilities or services, that element of any proposal will be supported subject to other policy considerations 17

CSP 9- Recreational and amenity land including forest waste Recreation and amenity land- protection and requirement for new provision. Forest Waste and other identified land is protected. Except where allocated in a development plan, land which is identified as being of amenity value and all forest waste whether so identified or not, will be protected from development. This includes land which is part of the forest landscape and other protected areas identified in Development Plan Documents and/ or on the proposals map. Protection of Recreational use Recreational provision for new development 18

CSP Settlement policies town based, southern emphasis and greater self- containment for the Forest. Cinderford- the delivery of new retailing, housing and employment and in particular the Northern Quarter (via AAP) Lydney- new neighbourhood, and enhancements via AAP Coleford- improved retail and employment Newent- improved retail and modest employment/ housing Villages- major and others- proportionate change but most change is directed to towns protect countryside. 19

New but continues much of the policy approach of the LP Is positive and aspirational Must be read in conjunction with national guidance Don’t forget Proposals Map 20