Putting into practice a learner- centred vision The View from Ealing Hammersmith and West London College John Stone
Ealing, Hammersmith & West London College Two colleges become one
Integrated systems are needed for a multi-sited college
After Merger College committed to the development of an MLE Intranet as the key communications tool Automating processes linked to MIS
The Mission The College wishes to be famous for: Provision of innovative, high quality learning opportunities for students from a wide range of backgrounds and circumstances, which are relevant to the needs of employers. An innovative structure which combines the advantages of a large college with strong partnerships at community level. Its use of Information and Communications Technology. Its use of diversity to enrich the quality of the learning experience. A world class learning environment.
The Vision Learning will be customised to individual, business and community needs and with effective use of ICT we will reach out to the widest possible range of learners, which enables success and progression for all.
What’s changing? Wireless computing. Computing everywhere and for all. Increasing bandwidth and storage capacity at decreasing cost. Exponential growth in content The emergence and standards and technical convergence. Managed Learning Environments. The emergence of the e-generation.
An institutional perspective Focus on students –Groups- Student Entitlement –Individuals- Personal Learning Portal –Both Learning and Teaching –Strategic shift in the role of the CIS Institutional Culture –Everything is on the web –Mandatory Training –Rewards –Management Support Reliable Infrastructure –Hardware, Software and Support –Wireless –Critical Mass Making Life easer –Student Reviews –Self Assessment Reports –E-registers –Tablet PCs –Scheme of Work Builder
Teaching & Learning
Scheme of Work 2004/2005 Course: HND2 (Business - Sept Semester) Subject/Unit: Managing People Staff: Jay Glover. Homework/Assignment Schedule Student Gallery Induction/Handbook Week/ Session TopicLearning Outcomes Resources and linksMore links & Info Sep-13 INDUCTION AND ENROLMENT Sep-20 Hello from Jay The HRM Function The 5 key areas of people management. Selection, organisation and the allocation of work, development, evaluation of performance and maintenance. Students identify principles and objectives in each area. Print SOW & Check links 1 Student Task - Class Activity & Presentation. One stop Resource - Business Bureau Quick MBA ACAS BBC Bitesize ACAS A-Z index Employee Relations Jays fantastic secret resource I hope it looks good I can say a video “Hello” I can show clips of student presentations I can direct students to www resources We have a student photo gallery We have a discussion board for 24 hour communication!
Resources linked
Standardised experience and information
Introducing Emily ILP, Personalised Homepage, Review, Unit Builder Software available to all but emphasis on official pilot areas- concentrate resources Introductory e-learning workshop –Ideas and approaches –Using the MLE software E-learning roadshow (shutdown days) Production of e-learning plans for –Reduced teaching hours to allow for development of greater learning opportunities –Bonus payments for quality linked schemes Aim to provide a framework for motivating, assessing and supporting all our students
Key messages Focus on students –Be aware of what technology can do Plan for systems and process integration Leadership is more effective than management –Scope for creativity and the unexpected Learning and Teaching are different There’s more happening than you think