MARACs, IDVAs and Early Intervention Diana Barran November 2011
Outline Why we need a multi agency approach The facts The gaps Munro and MARAC Looking forward
Why we need a multi-agency approach Evidence from homicide reviews and serious case reviews highlight: –Lack of risk assessment –Lack of information sharing –Lack of specialist support for victims –Opportunities missed for early intervention
Why it works
5 National, Regional and Local picture National Averages as of June 2011 HaveringLondonNational Number of MARACs sending in data Number of cases discussed ,753 Number of children associated with cases discussed ,919 Cases per 10,000 adult female population % MARAC repeats18.2%20.3%22% % Non-police referrals into MARAC34.5%56.2%37% % BME victims10% -local figure 16.3%13% % LGBT victims0.0%0.8%1% % Victims with Disability0.9%4.7%3% % Male Victims2.7%3.9%3%
Safety in Numbers
What are the key features of IDVAs work? Impact of IDVAs work on safety and well- being? Who do IDVAs work with? Safety in Numbers 3 Big Questions
Focus on Data and Outcomes- ‘Safety in Numbers’ –Largest study ever done in UK – 2500 women, 3600 children, 7 sites –Showed that on average women had suffered 5.5 years of abuse before accessing help –Most women suffered all forms of abuse- physical (84%), sexual (23%), controlling behaviour (86%) and stalking/harassment (48%) –Multiple problems including alcohol misuse by perpetrator (54%), financial problems (45%), drug misuse (39%) and mental health problems (28%). Half of perpetrators had a criminal record –Direct risks to children over child contact (41%), threats to harm (27%), and threats to kill child (11%) –Two thirds reported abuse ceased after support from IDVA
Change in Abuse Suffered
Impact of Intensive Support
Impact of Multiple Interventions
Impact on Direct Risks to Children Risk factor Intake (T1) Percentage of victims with children (n=699) Review (T2) Percentage of victims with children (n=699) Percentage Change Threats to kill children 11% (80)6% (45)44% Conflict around child contact 42% (292)23% (160)45% Victim is afraid of harm to children 30% (207)7% (49)76%
Messages from Munro “We will explore further how to disseminate local good practice of closer working between children’s services and police public protection units as well as other public protection arrangements such as MARACs.” “The Government accepts the contribution of all relevant agencies to the protection of children.” “Critically, inspection must examine the effectiveness of help provided at all stages including initial contact, early help, protection and longer term help.” “Data should be used where questions should be asked.” “The Government should place a duty on local authorities and statutory partners to secure the sufficient provision of local early help services for children, young people and families.”
Messages from Munro 2 “Professional practice should drive and characterise the development and implementation of local agreements and processes about helping families early and there should be explicit and clear alignment with arrangements to make referrals to children’s social care.” “The challenge role of LSCBs should be strengthened, making clear that there should be robust and regular monitoring of the effectiveness of help and protective services and the extent of multi-agency commitment and participation in the provision of this help.”
CAADA STRATEGY - from victim to policy maker © CAADA 2011 CAADA STRATEGY CAADA STRATEGY CAADA STRATEGY 2016 – 50K victims, 75,000 children. 2.5 years to get help K High risk victims, 150,000 children. 5 years to get help Halve the time - health based IDVAs Halve the number: offer CPD modules to bridge the skills gaps Create the evidence – CAADA Insights Change the funding model – drive quality