Federal Energy Management Program Key Provisions of Current Legislation Renewable Working Group September 10, 2002 Nancy Carlisle NREL
Federal Energy Management Program House Bill #4 House passed their version last Aug.; Senate passed their version earlier this year. Currently in conference committee. Conference began in Aug., will continue through Sept.
Federal Energy Management Program Federal Purchase Requirements Senate version (Sec. 263) In 2003, not less than 3% of Federal electrical consumption shall be from renewable energy rising to not less than 7.5 % in 2010 House version (Sec. 121) Agencies shall make maximum practicable use of energy efficiency products and services and unconventional and renewable energy to achieve energy use reductions in Federal buildings ranging from 20% in 2000 to 45% in 2020 per GSF compared to 1985 energy use.
Federal Energy Management Program Federal Purchase Requirements Senate Definitions Renewable energy means electric energy generated from solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, fuel cells, municipal solid waste, or additional hydroelectric generating capacity achieved from increased efficiency or additions of new capacity. House Definitions Unconventional and renewable energy* includes renewable energy sources, hydrogen, fuel cells, cogeneration combined heat and power, heat recovery (including by use of a Stirling engine), & distributed generation. *Note – Renewable energy includes solar wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, or biomass power)
Federal Energy Management Program Federal Purchasing Provisions Senate To the extent feasible and practical, not less than 1/10 of the Federal renewable energy purchases shall be generated by Indian tribe or corporation. House No similar provisions
Federal Energy Management Program Federal Purchasing Requirements Senate No similar language House Retention of Savings: An agency may retain any funds appropriated for energy expenditures at buildings that are not made because of energy savings. Funds may be used only for energy efficiency, or unconventional and renewable energy resource projects.
Federal Energy Management Program Federal Purchasing Requirements Senate No similar provision. House Not later than nine months after enactment, each agency shall undertake a comprehensive review of all practical measures for increasing energy and water efficiency and using renewable energy sources. Not less than 180 days after completing the reviews, develop plans to achieve not less than 50% of the savings.
Federal Energy Management Program Federal Energy Bank Senate No more than 25% of a loan from the Bank can be loaned for renewable energy and alternative energy projects. House No similar provisions
Federal Energy Management Program Capital Complex Senate No similar provisions House The Architect of the Capitol shall commission a study to evaluate how to become more energy efficient using unconventional and renewable energy resources to provide reliable utility service.
Federal Energy Management Program Energy Sun Renewable and Alternative Energy Program Senate No similar provisions House A program will be established at EPA and DOE for a government-industry partnership program to identify and promote the purchase of renewable and alternative energy products. It will establish an Energy Sun label for renewable energy and alternative energy products and technologies.
Federal Energy Management Program Energy on Federal Land Senate (sec. 265) Within 12 months, the Secretaries of Agriculture, Energy and Interior shall develop guidelines for a cost- shared demonstration program for the development of wind and solar energy on Federal lands. The demonstration program shall lead to the issuance of rights of way for areas with high potential for wind or solar. House (sec. 6601) The Secretary of the Interior shall encourage use of alternative energy sources, including solar power and power from fuel cells throughout DOI facilities and the US pubic lands. An inventory of the energy potential of all Federal public lands shall be conducted with respect to wind, solar, coal and geothermal power production.
Federal Energy Management Program Renewable Portfolio Standard Senate Each retail supplier of electricity shall submit renewable energy credits in an amount equal to required annual percentages being generated from RE resources.. The required annual percentages range from 1% in 2005 to 10% in of the electric suppliers base generation. House No similar provisions.