PLRB Web Training
Introduction 1. Getting Started 2. Weather / Cats Info 3. Coverage Database 4. Education Materials 5. Meetings & Conferences 6. Locate Providers
I. Getting Started PLRB is a non-profit organization Membership is on flat fee basis, not based on usage Each person should have own password
-Go to: -Get password, using your company address
White screen on homepage contains PLRB’s most current information Link to hurricane info Reviews of new cases Recent weather info Coverage quizes Liability coverage question General PLRB info
II. Weather /Cats
II. Weather /Cats 1. Type beginning date 2. Type ending date 3. Select desired peril
II. Weather /Cats 4. Select State (can also select city and/or zip code) 5. Click Submit Search view results here
II. Weather /Cats Red dot = tornado, Green dot = hail, Pink dot = wind
II. Weather /Cats -click on Precipitation Summary Chart to view weather map
II. Weather /Cats Map scale -click on site navigation box in upper right corner of screen to return to home page by selecting “PLRB/LIRB Main”
III. Coverage Research The place to: View annotations of common policies Research state-by-state materials Read law reviews of cases Submit a coverage question
III. Coverage Research -general searches can be performed by typing key terms or policy language into Search box rodent*
III. Coverage Research -however, for more detailed searching, click on the “Coverage Research” tab to access the Coverage Research page.
III. Coverage Research -type policy language “water damage” in the subject field -type factual term “roof” in the text field -leave state field as “All 50 States” 212 hits Titles of documents Type of document
III. Coverage Research Annotations updated on a real time basis contain full discussion of each policy provision discuss case law from throughout the country Property Annotations include: 1. Homeowners 2. Businessowners 3. Commerical Forms, i.e. various CP forms 4. Business Income 5. Various common ISO personal and commercial lines endorsements
III. Coverage Research -Beneath Subject/Text/State field is Table of Contents for PLRB’s database - Within the Table of Contents is PLRB’s State-by-State folder State-by-state folders Tip: most of these state-by-state documents can be quickly accessed by typing CHART into the Search box on the main page or by typing it in the Subject field in the Subject/Text/State search.
III. Coverage Research Law Reviews explain the court’s holding, often provide a free link to the text of the court’s opinion, and contain a comment section where PLRB explains the significance of the case -your coverage search may pull up Law Reviews of related cases
III. Coverage Research To submit a coverage question to PLRB: 1.Click on “Ask PLRB/LIRB” 2.Click on “here” on the left for first party non-auto questions
III. Coverage Research To submit a coverage question to PLRB: 1.Click on “Ask PLRB/LIRB” 2.Click on “here” on the left for first party non-auto questions Steps to submit question: -indicate policy at issue -indicate state of loss -identify key policy language -provide key facts -present coverage question -click the “submit” button
IV. Education Materials Technical information, including ClaimStar Materials from prior PLRB conferences Distance learning modules (with CE credit for some states)
IV. Education Materials To retrieve educational materials: -enter key insurance or policy term(s) in Search box, or -click on + to open relevant folders mold Search box Distance Learning Modules ClaimStar
IV. Education Materials Distance Learning Modules -over 40 first party modules available -CE credit available for newest modules in certain states modules with CE credit click here to launch
IV. Education Materials ClaimStar - technical information To locate info: 1. click on ClaimStar 2. click on Reference Info 3. select Property Technical Reference 4. drill down table of contents
V. Meetings and Conferences To access information in PLRB’s meetings and conferences: 1.Click on yellow tab for Meetings & Conferences 2. Select desired meeting.
VI. Locate Providers Internet Service Provider Directory To access:1. click on the “Locate Providers” tab 2. on next page, click on “Locate Providers” which appears over the Claimspages logo.
VI. Locate Providers 1. Select State 2. Select County or City
VI. Locate Providers 3. Select category of provider
VI. Locate Providers PLRB Affiliate members are listed first Links to provider web sites often provided Helpful with: -locating out of town providers -locating providers of unique services -getting quick bids
PLRB Contact PLRB: -phone: (888) fax: (630) Thank You. PLRB Looks forward to working with you.