Strengths Customer-Centric. Current processes already caters for customer satisfaction. Willing to invest. Management is keen to improve on the current processes by obtaining the ISO certifications Very ambitious in getting more projects to out perform the competition.
Weakness Non-Formalized Process/Standards No Quality policies & QMS in place No Quality policies & QMS in place No formal documentation of the User Requirements as it is captured only in meeting minutes No formal documentation of the User Requirements as it is captured only in meeting minutes No Version Control No Version Control Resource allocation only based on the availability Resource allocation only based on the availability No proper change requests No proper change requests Existing Problems Maintenance Maintenance No proper verification of the external equipments No proper verification of the external equipments No Preventive actions taken No Preventive actions taken Informal and abrupt change requests from customers delays the projects Informal and abrupt change requests from customers delays the projects PL not willing to implement the QMS as it is a waste of time. PL not willing to implement the QMS as it is a waste of time.
Opportunities Upcoming projects which require ISO certifications. E.g. A huge customer account such as HP. The organization can able to expand and can reach wider customer Improve Company’s image and rating They can out perform the competitors
Threats Loose market share to its competitors (as other companies may be ISO certified) Management is keen to achieve ISO9001 mainly to satisfy client requirements and business competitiveness. This may not sustain the ISO standards especially after a tender is achieved Chances of them loosing the existing trusted customers as they may as well request the organization to be ISO certified
GAP Analysis - 1 Sub-ClauseComplianceFindingsRecommendations 4.1 General Requirements PC Some process in place. Just that it is not formalized To implement a formal QMS. Define standards and guidelines (templates for the different process areas. Eg. SDD for design, STP for test) 4.2 Document Requirements NC No standards & guidelines A quality manual should be introduced to describe the Quality Management System. Version control all the documents 5.1 Management Commitment PC There is no formal QMS in place. However, the Managing Director seems to be keen to give support to the implementation of the ISO 9001 standards. However, there is no evidence as of yet Introduce the QMS. Introduce the QMS. Ensure the Management provides the resources, conduct regular management reviews 5.2 Customer Focus FC The MD mentions that he proactively seeks for Customer feedbacks. All these feedbacks are addressed by having a conference with the PM/PD.
GAP Analysis - 2 Sub-ClauseComplianceFindingsRecommendations 5.3 Quality Policy NC There is no quality policy Define a Quality Policy 5.4.PlanningNC Currently there are no Quality objectives defined There is no QMS in place currently. Define Quality Objectives for the individual business units (Industrial, Financial & Administration) 5.5 Responsibility, Authority and Communication NC Currently there is no management representative ensuring the processes needed for quality management system There is no communication process defined. The project manager and project leader simply delegate tasks based on verbal communications. Only on certain occasions, these tasks are documented in the minutes Appoint a Quality manager who is familiar with ISO9001:2008 Define a communication process. Ensure that for each communication, there will be evidence that a communication is established and is taking place. 5.6 Management Review NC There are no management reviews at planned intervals. However the management does conduct and record management reviews on meeting minutes whenever a customer gives a negative feedbacks. Instead of conducting reviews only on negative feedbacks, the management reviews should be conducted regularly at planned intervals
GAP Analysis - 3 Sub-ClauseComplianceFindingsRecommendations 6.1 Provision of Resources NC Although the Management claims that they will provide the necessary resources to satisfy customer satisfaction, based on the information obtained from the project leader, it seems otherwise Should the QMS be approved, adequate resources should be provided to support the development of the QMS To achieve customer satisfaction, adequate resources should be provided 6.2 General Human Resources FC It seems that the project leader and the software engineers have the necessary experiences and skills to perform their work 6.3 Infrastructure FC It seems that all the necessary hardware and software tools are provided 6.4 Work Environment FC There are no complaints from the PL when asked about the work environment 7.1 Planning of product realization PC According to the PM/PD, there is a project plan for each project. This plan however is very brief (eg. Some details in the project plan is not in place) Either define a quality plan or update quality objectives related to the project Ensure that all the necessary deliverables for each process areas such as design and testing are included in the plan 7.2 Determination of requirements FC The Project lead have a meeting with customers to gather the requirements.
GAP Analysis - 4 Sub-ClauseComplianceFindingsRecommendations 7.3 Design and Development planning FC There is some form of planning for design and development found in the project plan. 7.4 Purchasing Process PC There is some form of purchasing process. A purchasing order form is introduced. However there is no organization or selection criteria established Formalize and introduce selection criteria for suppliers Evaluate the suppliers according to the criteria Control of production and service provision PC The only form of project control is based on the Progress Report. There is no proper monitoring mechanism for project tracking and control as freedom is given to its entirety for the project leader Ensure that the project can be tracked and monitored 7.6 Control of monitoring and measuring equipment PC Software tools are being used for testing. However these tools are not being versioned control Introduce versioning of software for these monitoring and measurements software. 8.1 General Measurement Analysis and Improvement NC There is no plan for monitoring and measuring improvement process Develop Software Test Plan for the project
GAP Analysis - 5 Sub-ClauseComplianceFindingsRecommendations 8.2 Monitoring and measurement of processes NC Many of the current processes are not documented. It makes it hard to monitor and measure the effectiveness of these processes Document a high level overall system flow. Identify the process areas and deliverables. Monitor and measure each of these processes 8.3 Control of nonconforming product PC Defective code or software is being identified and rectified before releasing to the customers. These codes shall be retested again. Currently there are no evidence to show that these tests are being conducted Introduce regression test plans Document these tests 8.4 Analysis of data NC Currently no data is acquired from a completed project. The MD made an effort to retrieve customers feedbacks but there are no other data such as the supplier information, conformity to requirements and characteristics of processes were documented. Without these information, there is no way to improve the effectiveness of the process areas Perform a post-project analysis. Get all the stakeholders to provide the necessary data and analyze the data for process improvements 8.5 Continual Improvement NA There is no quality policy, quality objectives, audit results, analysis of data etc This clause is tied to the other sub clauses. Fulfilling the other clauses shall fulfill this clause as well