Secondary care nursing provision in Somerset. Andre Clinchant, Lead Nurse, Taunton & Somerset NHS trust
Providing support for children with complex health needs. Supporting parents to become expert carers. Supporting schools to deal with ever increasing complex health needs in their environment. Reducing the need for hospitalisation. Promote as normal a life as possible.
Overt nursing need. Rare or unusual nursing needs beyond that which primary care offers. Life threatening/life limiting condition. Under regular care of a paediatrician. Specialised health conditions (cancer, CF, diabetes)
3 teams across Somerset. Taunton, Yeovil and Bath hospitals. Specialist teams & nurses including COMPASS and CHCT, diabetics, oncology. Outreach into homes, schools, residential settings, respite care settings. NOTE. Mostly we only take referrals from consultants, not GPs, schools, health visitors etc.
Emergency care. Immunisations. Basic nursing care on otherwise healthy children. Regular hands on nursing such as gastrostomy feeds, insulin injections, blood glucose tests. Mobility issues/ adaptations. Mental health issues. Lead in creating health care plans but…
Support schools in drafting care plans. Training SENCOS, LSAs etc. Specialised nursing procedures (bloods, chemotherapy) Attend Annual reviews. Sign posting. Some emergency procedures (gastro tube changes)
Health need Child goes to GP Primary care provision Health visitor, School Nurse. ITS secondary health provision. Specialist nursing provision Tertiary hospitals and allied services Support school
9-5 service. Non emergency. Specialist nursing care. Not hands on. Work in partnership with other agencies. Useful problem solver. Friend, not your enemy!