“Only measurable things exist” Max Planck Group of company "Turbulentnost-Don"
Group of company today : -more then 360 people working - 4 production bases - 11 companies of various kinds of activities - 2 separate divisions in Russia -50 dealers and distributors in Russia -5 representative offices abroad Founded in 1998 in Rostov-on-Don city:
Products of "Turbulentnost-Don" Gas meters Domestic gas meters Industrial gas meters Water meters Verification equipment Telemetry systems Liquid level meters Modular boiler plants, gas metering station Domestic water meters Industrial water meters Portable Stationary Pressure sensors
The sales geography 55 regions of Russian Federation exports Kazakhstan Belarus Turkmenistan Uzbekistan Kyrgyzstan +
Amount of business Export volume USD USD USD USD 17,4 million USD 23,7 million USD 47,7 million
Annual development investment: USD
Quality management system ISO 9001: valid up to 2017
Production of «Turbulentnost-Don» Commercial and technological accounting of gas and liquids Measuring systems TFG (gas) and RS-2M (liquid) benefits: - The cheapest decision on large diameter pipes - Huge range of measurements - Installation on existing pipelines - There is no pressure drop Household Accounting gas and liquid "Grand“ meters benefits: - Installation without welding - Remote data transmission Turning display by 360 ° - It is impossible to intervene in the operation of the device Verification of gas meters on site SPU - 3 Benefits: - Reducing the cost of verification - Increased productivity - Fast return of investment Verification of gas meters in laboratory conditions SPU - 5 Benefits: - One-time calibration of 20 gas devices - Fast return on investment Industrial gas accounting for transportation The ultrasonic measuring system UFG benefits: -much cheaper then analogues (40% or more) - A unique software for monitoring the status of the device - Replacement of the sensors on site - verification on site
tel.:+7 (863) fax:+7 (863) Address: Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don city, 1st km of Rostov-Novoshakhtinsk highway Build 6/7, 6/8