Cluster Group Meeting February 2015 Prepared by Katherine Robinson
Changes to Pharmacy Contract On 22 September 2014 NHS Employers and the PSNC announced changes to the community pharmacy contractual framework for 2014/15.
changes to Medicines Use Reviews (MURs), including an increase in the proportion of targeted MURs from 50 per cent to 70 per cent from 1 April 2015 the inclusion of a new MUR target group for patients with cardiovascular disease or cardiovascular risk factors taking four or more regular medicines from 1 January 2015
changes to be made to the Approved Particulars for incident reporting, clarifying the reporting requirements for patient safety incidents and requiring pharmacies to submit reports on a non-anonymised basis
the national audit will be on emergency supplies of medicines made by pharmacies. This will be in place of the NHS England specified clinical audit
a requirement for pharmacies to advise eligible patients about the benefits of the repeat dispensing service.
In addition, it has been agreed that the New Medicine Service (NMS) will be continued, following the publication of the report of the evaluation of the service.
Funding To support these service developments, funding of £2.8 billion has been agreed with NHS England comprising £2 billion from fees and allowances and £0.8 billion from medicines margin. agreement has been reached to reduce practice payments by £70 million from November over a period of five months. medicine margin is being increased by £10 million per month from October NHS England, the Department of Health (DH) and PSNC have committed to seek to deliver the £2.8 billion funding in 2014/15, if possible, with principles established for handling any under or over delivery.
EPS Release 2 Are you ready? System Smartcards Working with GPs Informing Patients Staff training
Does your pharmacy have an account? Secure transfer of patient sensitive information
Obtain an account via the LPC website: k/essential-services/nhs-net-accounts/ k/essential-services/nhs-net-accounts/
Flu Jabs 5964 ‘flu jabs were delivered by community pharmacy across NSC. Over £ extra funding into East Anglia. A 3 fold increase compared with last season. 50% were from the chronic respiratory disease group. In our area we did 1372 (23%) ‘Flu jabs. There’s a gap in service provision in some areas in Cambs.
Will Flu jabs be a National service next Winter?
Accreditation & Training Commissioner Accreditation changing HAG → Self-Declaration of Competence CPPE Website: Same content functionality changed HEE funding, tokens dropped Self- Dec. for LES – Consultation Skills
Future of Pharmacy Pharmacy is in the headlines! Pharmacy is changing! More delivery of services MUR NMS New National services??
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