William Adams
The couple argues over who is going to lock the door They make a deal that the first one to speak has to lock the door A burglar eventually provokes the husband to say something
A guy comes to rid a kingdom of an evil monster (grendel) Grendel destroys the people he attacks
The guy hides his anger and allows it to build up His anger eventually turns into a apple and it kills his enemy
A man tracks a elephant on a rampage He doesn’t want to kill it but everyone around him wants him to kill it He eventually shoots the animal
A snake spits in a young boys eyes and a elder “witch doctor”, a servant to the family comes to the boys aid He later refused to sell the cure to a “white man’s doctor”
A man is in a ship wreck and washes up on the shores of strange islands He tells the story as a flashback when he gets home
It’s a poem is about the idea that God created bad things just as he created bad things
It tells of the good that God created
An evacuation plane full of kids crashed and the kids were stranded on an island The kids form in groups an kill some till they are rescued
A guy kills the king and takes over after the kings sons flee The sons eventually return and capture the kingdom back
A mother questions her son about where he’s been He leads on that he has been poisoned by his lady friend
Helen left husband and went to Troy with Paris This angered her husband and started a war known as the Trojan Wars