Open access to device intelligence
Why FDT? A r e y o u c o n f u s e d ? E v e n h e a r d a b o u t i t ? W o n d e r w h a t i t ’ s a l l a b o u t ? Let’s hear about the real needs of a plant manager… Listen to what HE has to say… What IS it? Why do you need it?
My Plant Runs continuously With many different field devices On several different networks With more than one control system…
when a problem occurs No matter who responds No matter where their mind is at the time No matter how much their experience with THIS problem …or THIS equipment No matter how rarely it happens…
my people QUICKLY need to Always see information the same way Know what is wrong Know how to act Be consistent …WHOEVER responds …WHENEVER they respond…
with a SINGLE tool That works with any field equipment From any supplier That reduces device commissioning time Supplies meaningful Asset Management information On ALL my EXISTING systems
Your Solution… FDT is an “open” standard for device integration that: Is viewed on any windows workstation Provides consistent graphic presentations Is supplier, system, & protocol independent e a s i l y g o e s i n t o y o u r w o r k s t a t i o n s ►
FDT based tools Support Consistent workstation views
Compatible with existing & future automation equipment Upgrade all your existing networks Manage multiple generations of devices over life of plant Graphical support for start up and commissioning Intuitive HELP functions for troubleshooting Monitor efficiency during operations Same look & feel on every system Best advanced diagnostics …specific know-how …from each device supplier …who can easily upgrade you with new information FDT based tools
FDT connects with 12 different protocols AS-interface ContolNet DeviceNet EtherNet/IP FOUNDATION Fieldbus High Speed Ethernet HART INTERBUS IO Link MODBUS SL/TCP PROFIBUS DP/PA PROFINET I/O CIP Annex configuration
Endorsed by 66 users & suppliers and growing!
12 VALIDATED user results show 40% reduction in commissioning time Note! Commissioning is usually the CRITICAL path of the project! (Dow 9/07) 80% reduction for last minute engineering modifications (Dow 9/07) Much faster resolution of typical instrument problems during startup (example false echo’s with radar level meters) 60-70% reduction in scheduled plant downtime (Clariant GmbH 9/06) “Instrument Technicians LOVE this tool!” Feedback from commissioning team:
Survive change Your markets are in continual change Your staff will not be there forever Your suppliers will change Your plant will change Don’t let your productivity change… …use the one tool that will help you survive change
Discover how YOU can Control time and costs for – Commissioning – Modifications – Troubleshooting Be consistent with – Operations – Maintenance – Service Provide more meaningful, useful information to your Asset Management program
EASILY Integrate… ANY field DEVICE From ANY supplier Into ANY host system Using ANY protocol With FULL device functionality Your solution is: Find out more! See our website [