Using Geospatial Data to Generate One-line Diagrams of Electrical Power Systems Lia Toledo Moreira Mota, Alexandre de Assis Mota, Wu, Shin-Ting School of Electrical and Computer Engineering State University of Campinas
Topics Power transmission and distribution systems One-line diagrams State-of-the-art Objective Proposal Results Concluding remarks November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Topics Power transmission and distribution systems One-line diagrams State-of-the-art Objective Proposal Results Concluding remarks November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Power transmission systems Networks connecting generators and load centers November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Power transmission systems (110 or 220 V) November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Power transmission systems Complex geographically dispersed network November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Topics Power transmission and distribution systems One-line diagrams State-of-the-art Objective Proposal Results Concluding remarks November 23 Geoinfo 2005
One-phase network = One-line diagram One-line diagrams Power Network Three-phase network One-phase network = One-line diagram November 23 Geoinfo 2005
One-line diagrams: two models [Monticelli, 1999]: Bus section/switching device model: switching devices-oriented representation for supporting decision-makings in fault conditions or maintenance situations Bus/branch model: a simplified representation of the bus section/switching device model November 23 Geoinfo 2005
One-line diagrams: two models widely used for studies and analyses November 23 Geoinfo 2005
One-line diagrams: graph Bus/Branch model = Graph Nodes: buses Arcs: branches November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Power transmission systems Complex geographically dispersed network November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Connectivity information -> readable one-line diagram? November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Topics Power transmission and distribution systems One-line diagrams State-of-the-art Objective Proposal Results Concluding remarks November 23 Geoinfo 2005
State-of-the-art CAD systems Problem: the layout is up to users One-line dedicated drawing algorithms (Ong et al., 2000; add-on package ArcGIS, 2005?) Problem: unsuitable for cyclic graphs Mota’s algorithm (Mota and Morelato, 2004) Problem: the initial node placement configuration is up to users. November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Topics Power transmission and distribution systems One-line diagrams State-of-the-art Objective Proposal Results Concluding remarks November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Objective General context: to provide an algorithm for generating readable one-line diagrams from connectivity information Specifically: to improve the algorithm proposed by Mota et al. November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Mota’s algorithm [Mota et al., 2004] Given: the comfortable length KL, and the connectivity between the buses and branches N1 – N2; N2 – N3; N3 – N1 Mota’s algorithm can derive from these connectivity data the geometrical coordinates, from which one may draw a one-line diagram. Output: coordinates {xc, yc} of each bus November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Positively charged particles Mota’s algorithm Principle: to use physically-based approach for placing the buses in an iterative way. Buses Braches Positively charged particles Springs November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Mota’s algorithm: Example 30 Buses 40 Branches Power systems test case archive: November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Mota’s algorithm: Problem November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Topics Power transmission and distribution systems One-line diagrams State-of-the-art Objective Proposal Results Concluding remarks November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Proposal One-line diagram Graph [Mota et al., 2004] Geospatial Graph November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Proposal November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Proposal Step 1: Obtain the topology (connections relations) of the power systems elements (buses and branches). Step 2: Add to this topological information, geospatial data related with the network elements Step 3: Generate an estimate of the positions of the buses on the basis of the geospatial data. Step 4: Apply the physically-based algorithm proposed by Mota et al. to generate a crossing-free one-line diagram. November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Proposal + 1 2 3 4 Node 1: Northwest Node 2: Southwest Node 3: Southeast Node 4: Southeast + Nodes: 1,2,3 and 4 Branches: 1-2, 1-3 and 1-4 Step 1 Step 2 November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Proposal 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 Step 4 Step 3 November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Topics Power transmission and distribution systems One-line diagrams State-of-the-art Objective Proposal Results Concluding remarks November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Results: IEEE 30 Test Case 30 Buses 40 Branches November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Results: Hypothetical geospatial data November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Results November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Results: Brazilian subsystem 58 buses 64 branches November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Results: Mota’s algorithm November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Results: Available geospatial data November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Results: First configuration November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Results: Improved algorithm November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Topics Power transmission and distribution systems One-line diagrams State-of-the-art Objective Proposal Results Concluding remarks November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Concluding remarks Using geospatial data for estimating the first configuration of the buses may reduce the branch crossings in Mota’s algorithm. The most important feature of the enhanced algorithm is that incomplete geospatial data suffice in most cases. It is useful for generating one-line diagrams of equivalent circuits, both for studies and analyses. As further work, to apply the algorithm for visualizing the electrical network for distinct purposes (planning, monitoring, etc.). to combine the algorithm with the map simplification algorithm proposed by Adler and Wu to visualize geo-spatial one-line diagram. November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Thank You! November 23 Geoinfo 2005
Mota’s algorithm Electrical forces (Coulomb’s Law): FCkm=f(dkm2) dkm < KL FH < 0 (repulsion) dkm > KL FH > 0 (attraction) Mass-spring forces (Hooke’s Law): FHkm=g(dkm-KL) KL (Branch natural length) November 23 Geoinfo 2005