A Return to Peace Ch 12 Sec 5
The Congress Of Vienna Many European Monarchs feared the revolution of France. Ideas of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. Thought it might spread Wanted to restore order, peace and suppress the ideas of the revolution.
Congress of Vienna Hundreds of Delegates met in Vienna, Austria. Most of the decision making of the Congress was made by England, Austria, Prussia and Russia. France did have a representative.
Principles of the Congress 3 Principles guided the Congress of Vienna. 1) The countries that suffered the most needed to be paid back. 2) Balance of power had to be restored. 3) All rules would follow the rule of Legitimacy, former ruling families would be restored.
Compensation Countries reshuffled territory in order to gain back losses. England gained islands in the French West Indies and in the Med. Prussia received land along the Rhine River. Austria gained two Italian states. Russia and Prussia both split Poland. France had to pay a large INDEMNITY. Money payment for damages caused.
Reactionary Europe After the old order was restored to Europe. Reactionary thinking took over Europe. Wanted to return to the ways things were before Napoleon. Counter the Revolutionary or Radical thinking of the French Revolution. This lead to many of the alliances to follow in Europe.
Alliances The four countries that defeated Napolean (Austria, England, Prussia and Russia). Formed the Quadruple Alliance Agreed to hold meetings to discuss common interests. France was later allowed to join.
Holy Alliance Czar Alexander urged other leaders to sign agreement called the Holy Alliance. Promised to rule as Christians
Concert of Europe Out of the Alliances formed in Europe. A form of international governance by concert, or agreement. Main goal was to maintain the balance of power in Europe. Lasted until 1848.