STAFF and INMATE RELATIONSHIPS Maintaining Professional Boundaries
Staff and Inmate Relations / Maintaining Professional Boundaries Learner Objectives: 1. Identify and discuss the reasons why undue familiarity is become a concern in the correctional setting. 2. Explain and discuss the North Carolina Statute, which makes sexual contact with inmates a felony, the policy of Zero tolerance and examples of the behavior that constitutes undue familiarity.
Learner Objectives continued: 3. Explain and discuss why Staff to Staff relations are so critical in Staff to Inmate relationships. 4. Define and discuss familiarity, undue familiarity and inmate profile issues. 5. Identify and discuss employee characteristics that make staff vulnerable to inmate predators. 6. Identify and discuss prevention strategies to assist staff in dealing with undue familiarity.
North Carolina General Statue 14-27.7 ( 1993 ) Intercourse consent is no defense: if a person having custody of a victim of any age or a person, who is an agent or employee of any person, or institution, whether such institution is private, charitable or governmental, having custody of a victim of any age engages in vaginal intercourse or a sexual act with such victim, the defendant is guilty of a Class E felony. ( The penalty for a class E felony shall be a fine at the discretion of the court and imprisonment for a term, depending on the amount and kind of prior offenses and points accumulated by structured sentencing ).
Implications of Law and Policy North Carolina General Statue 14-27.7 Consent is no Defense Staff can be found personally liable Staff may also be prosecuted under misdemeanor statue North Carolina Department of Correction has a Zero Tolerance Policy
Staff to Staff Relationships: Why so Critical? First Line of Defense Role Model Divide and Conquer games by inmates Staff interactions create the culture of the prison We must understand, respect and appreciate our differences in the workplace
Staff and Offender Relationships Familiarity-inmates habits, demeanor, behavior, etc. Undue Familiarity- Inmates know your personal business.
Inmate Profile Issues Predators Appearance: well spoken, Like to comment on your appearance, intelligent, good cons. Crimes: they have committed an assortment of crimes, drugs, child or spousal abuse, rape, etc. Age: average mid-twenties to early thirties Motive: Gives them a sense of power, a game, Self-Image: See themselves different from other inmates, Snitch; they will give you up in a heart beat, to save themselves or just for the heck of it.
Employee Characteristics Making Staff Vulnerable to Inmate Predators Low Self Esteem Job dissatisfaction or poor working relationships Personal problems at home Fear Rescuer Syndrome Isolation Attention
PREVENTION STRATEGIES Align yourself with other staff and show respect for them. No first name familiarity Talk with other staff when you see warning signs Don’t do favors, like mailing cards, getting money, calling family, etc.
PREVENTION STRATEGIES Recognize your level of personal stress Do not ignore inappropriate inmate behavior
Self Risk Assessment Rating Count the total number of “yes” answers. 1-7 You are at “low risk” for crossing boundaries with offenders. 8-14 You are at “moderate risk” for crossing boundaries with offenders. 15+ You are at “high risk” for crossing
SUMMARY 1. Inmates attempt to engage staff in unduly familiar relationships by using psychological methods to manipulate them. That is, they will compliment them, agree with the staff member's point of view, "help" them do their job, "protect" them from other inmates, and promise anything and everything to gain the staff member's trust. 2. A large number of staff have knowledge that others are engaged in unduly familiar relationships but do nothing to intervene.
3. Inmates are ALWAYS on the lookout for information they can use to their benefit. They are always watching and listening. 4. The inmate has nothing to lose and everything to gain. The staff member has everything to lose and nothing to gain.
5. All staff members should be extremely leery when they receive compliments from inmates and should ask themselves is the inmate trying to set them up. 6. Supervisors should pay attention to their subordinate's behavior and counsel them if they notice they are spending inordinate amounts of time with particular inmates.
7. If you find yourself in a relationship with an inmate that makes you uncomfortable, immediately discuss the situation with your supervisor. 8. Discussing personal information with an inmate is ALWAYS a risky proposition and should be prevented.
9. Unduly familiar relationships among staff and inmates has serious consequences not only for the staff involved but also for the entire institution. For this reason, when you believe a staff member may be in this situation, you should speak with your supervisor about it. 10. Undue familiarity will not be tolerated by the DOC and can result in possible disciplinary penalties up to and including dismissal.
11. A staff member that has a relationship of a sexual nature with an inmate is committing a class E felony. YOU ARE A SEX OFFENDER!!!!!