By: Cassie Wooters and Kaitlyn Johnson
Period of human migration Marked transition from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages
AD 300 to 700 First phase Second phase
Europe First Phase: into Roman Empire. Out of Northern Europe Second Phase: Roman Empire, other sections of Europe
Extreme weather Fall of Roman Empire Collapse of Roman economic power Arrival of Huns
Weakened sense of Roman identity Organization not based on Roman models Not dependent on Roman gold
Steady movement of Germanic tribes Franks Integrated into original populations Least dangerous
2 nd to 5 th century migrations
Huns Weakened Roman state Visigoths and Vandals New cultural group Magyars and Vikings Violent
Visigoth penetration into Italy ( ) Ostrogoths destroyed by Romans Suaves, Vandals, Alans invade Spain( ) Huns invade Gaul Vandals attack again
Very violent Successful for the Danish Attacks: Ireland, Thames River, English Channel, Rhine and Escalda Rivers, Lisbon and Seville (failed), England, and Paris Conquered: Orkney and Hebrides islands, Ireland, and England
Less violent Not very successful compared to Viking attacks Invasions: Lorraine and Saxony Attacks: Saxony, Italy, and Bavaria (failed)
European set back Replacement Economic fragmentation
Franks formed the basis of modern day France and Germany Militarized society Magyars defeated Vikings accepted Christianity Church channeled violence into Crusades
All of the following terms/phrases are associated with The Barbarian Invasions EXCEPT?: Ostrogoths The Roman Empire European Monarchies Extreme Weather
Which statement best describes the downfall of the Roman Empire? a. The disintegration of Roman economic power weakened groups formerly dependent of Roman gifts and combined with the arrival of the Huns, many groups invaded the provinces. b. The changes in the administration which took place were the result of the breakdown in Roman political control which exposed the weakness of Roman rule at the local level resulting in military takeovers. c. Economic fragmentation removed many of the political, cultural and economic forces that initially bound the empire together. d. The flooding of tribes into Roman provinces ended classical urbanism and began new types of rural settlements.
Which of the following statements are correct? 1. The Maygar attacks were not as successful as the Viking attacks. 2. The first phase invasions boosted Europe’s economy. 3. The second phase invasions took place in the Roman empire and other sections of Europe. 4. The Ostrogoth’s were destroyed by the Romans. only 1 is correct 2 and 4 are correct 1, 3 and 4 are correct 2, 3 and 4 are correct
Which of the following choices is a result of the other four?: a. Magyar defeated b. Crusades c. Second Phase Invasions d. Vikings accepted Christianity e. Franks formed basis of today’s Germany and France
The main causes of the Barbarian Invasions were the fall of the ____, extreme weather, ________, and the collapse of Roman economic power. A. European nations, decreasing amounts of food available B. Roman Empire, increasing political differences in Rome’s government C. Roman Empire, arrival of the Huns D. Magyar Empire, civil war within Europe