Feudal Lords and the Church The Franks emerged in A.D. 300 as the most influential of the Germanic tribes. Settled in the area at the mouth of the Rhine River. 481 Clovis ruled the Franks. He established the Merovingian dynasty. He became a Christian and had his followers also convert. Clovis’ sons or successors became known as the “ Do Nothing Kings”.
Charles Martel and Chalemagne The mayor of the Palace of France began to take over the duties of being king. Charles Martel’s cavalry defeated the Moors at the battle of Tours in 732. Pepin III was crowned by the Pope. Pepin III helped the pope to secure the Papal States.( Donation of Pepin) Pepin’s son Charlemagne assumed the throne in 768 A.D A.D. He drove the Moors past the Pyrenees
Charlemagne and His Empire Charlemagne was crowned King of the Romans on Christmas Day, 800 by pope Leo III. Charlemagne’s kingdom was ruled by counts. The capital was in Aix la Chapelle. Aachen today. Chalemagne appointed officials, missi dominici to review laws and government. The government levied no taxes, because they didn’t need it.
Chapel at Aachen
Education and the Decline Charlemagne founded a school and brought scholars in from all over Europe. His favorite book was City of God by St. Augustine. When Charlemagne dies Louis the Pius takes the throne. His sons divide the Empire at the Treaty of Verdun. The kingdoms fight among themselves. Invaders attack the Magyars, Muslims, Slavs, and Vikings.
Carolingian Renaissance
The Vikings The Vikings were the most feared invaders. Vikings, Norsemen, Danes, Norse were all names for Vikings. Climate changes in the north caused migrations. Vikings that settled in France were Normans. The Vikings enjoyed battle and their religion centered on god-heroes and Valhalla. Vikings burial mounds include ships,