Spiral Rider PAGE 1
Set Up Scene 1.Add Stage-underwater scene 2.Add crab sprite 3.Add two fish sprites PAGE 2
Code the Stage 1.Add ghost effect to make the stage appear The higher the number the more transparent. PAGE 3
Coding the Cat: changing Pen Color 1.Hide the cat 2.Set the location for the pen to begin drawing in the upper left quadrant. (refer back to lesson on stage layout…not all students know what quadrant means.) 3.Set the pen to move to the right. 4.Clear the screen of previously run graphics. 5.Set Pen color…see directions to far right PAGE 4
Coding the cat- Adding Variables In order to set the move steps, create a integer data variable: “lineLength”. Once the variable is created, methods available to the lineLength will appear. Deselect the √ to hide the variable count. 1.Add “set (lineLength) to [x]” block 2.Demonstrate what would happen if lineLength remains the same the entire time. 1. (add the outer repeat only) 2. (Note it will create a box). 3.Discuss how the Top side and Right side initially are the same length, but the line mathematically gets shorter the complete the spiral. 4.Add the inner loop & “change(lineLength) by [-x]” PAGE 5
Coding the Crab PAGE 6 1.Crab should begin on desired position & size. 2.The crab is protecting the treasure, have him move back and forth in front of the opening. If the fish wins, the crab gets frustrated. 1.Receives a broadcast to indicate game has been won. 2.Make a comment. 3.Add an effect, set amount I test the effect on a when click to see how much to apply before adding to the broadcast. 4.Wait 5.Hide
Coding the Fish- Buttons PAGE 7
Coding the Fish- 1. Set position in world. 2. Set the fish to always point up on every start 3. Set the fish size instead of manually resizing. 4. Add a move with 200 steps to show the kids how to make the fish go forward. The fish will move much too fast to control. Drop steps to 4. Hmm, doesn’t go very far. How can we get the fish to move further but not fast? Loop! 5. Add repeat until. 6. Add sensing block “touching color”. …add the touching crab later. PAGE 8 Entire Fish Code
Coding the Fish- Touching maze or Crab PAGE 9 What happens if fish touches the maze or the crab? 1.Add if(condition)…true Say something Play sound 2.Else If touching “prize” Play sound Broadcast “won” Stop script for sprite.
Treasure Fish PAGE 10 The Treasure Fish is being held captive by the crab. 1.Set Treasure fish to desired location every time game begins. 2.If you hide later, you must show in the beginning 3.Set the size to desired % of original costume.
Treasure Fish-Effects PAGE 11 Once freed, he gets excited and disappears. 1.Receive a broadcast that the small fish has found him. 2.Add some effect 3.Hide