LPN to ADN Online Option Mary Rose Driggers Davidson County Community College
How It All Started College gave charge to increase online offerings PBL curriculum good format for more self-directed learning Give working LPNs better chance of career advancement Who was going to do it?
What We Knew We didnt think we knew how We knew we didnt have time
We Hired a Consultant
The Good and The Bad The good Time Experience with teaching online The bad Didnt have a good understanding of Our philosophy Our curriculum The target student
How does it work? Admission requirements Two years experience as an LPN within the last 4 years Completed all support courses Obtain a promise from facility to provide preceptor Do well on the test
How Does it all Work? Books Weekly assignments Case Standard questions Tests What were the problems
How does it Work? Clinical Preceptor – facility commits prior to admission – then get contract One semester may be long-term care One semester must be adult acute care Not the specialty units May not be on unit presently working, may be in same facility
How does it Work Clinical – The Preceptor Meet with preceptor Provide preceptor same papers as student Preceptor needs to know they can contact you 24/7
How does it Work? Clinical – The Student Clinical activities Journaling Responsible for cue to preceptor about evaluations Attendance form
What were the clinical issues? Uniform Name tag How many hours What part of a shift
Contact Information Mary Rose Driggers Davidson County Community College P.O. Box 1287 Lexington, NC Office: